Remotely wiping an android phone, help!


Active Member
Shit hit the fan yesterday and my house got searched and my phones got seized... They also took 20g of hash that I had and charged me with drug trafficking for allegedly giving a "suspicious package" to a guy who was with me (I don't sell drugs, AT ALL). Anyway, don't want to go into much detail right now...

Now, I have a problem. They have my Android phone and it was on when I left the police station this morning and hopefully it still is on.
The thing is, I have some pics that include somewhat large ammounts of drugs, even like 30g of hash on a scale that I can remember :\ also, there may be some text messages that may look suspicious. They don't have the lock code for my phone but they can still access SD card contents, and probably texts if they really want to.

I didn't have a remote lockout/wipe/recovery app installed. Dumb, I know... But if there was a reliable way to wipe my phone remotely (or at least the fucking SD card and text messages) I would be going for it. I have heard of Android Lost and know you can install and start it remotely using a text message. But how reliable is it? I don't want the cops/judge to see that I have tried to erase my data, and failed.
If you guys could give me any pointers if you have previous experience with this kind of shit I would be very grateful.

BTW, my phone uses Android 2.2.2