Remote DWC Underground

Holy moly!! Smokin'!!! You may find this will be a bit more then is needed in terms of vegged size. But this will teach you. Worst case you clip a few branches and in turn just wasted a week of veg. So you can use this to gauge when to flip next time for that strain and grow method.
I just started a journal. If your keen to compare. I think think this will kill mine but. Ha. My journal starts with "460w combo led"

Yep - Live and learn. :)
Lots of bud sites starting to appear! And the stretch is slowing down a bit.

So I decided to upgrade my lights and ordered an HLG 135 R-Spec QB board. I'm about to run into trouble since the plant is already abou 20 inches from the ceiling. My two COBs already have the leaf temp at the top of the canopy at 79.8 degrees putting VPD in the danger zone. Lux at the top is 55000, which as far as I can tell translates to a PPFD of around 800 for my current light. Im pretty sure the CO2 around 800 to 1000 ppm is providing a bit of a buffer.

The QB is super thin allowing me to raise it just a few inches below the ceiling. Plus the light is more dispersed, and it's dimmable.

One issue I've been running into is ppms dropping. Since the last flush they've gone from aroud 900 to 640. The plant is drinking more than a gallon each night and eating up all her nutes. (The fat bitch). I have the stuff I need to install remote dosing. Just need to find the time to set it all up.

Man, I'm already looking forward to the next grow to apply the lessons learned!

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Stripped off most of the big fan leaves today to expose all the bud sites that were hidden under the canopy. Tomorrow I plan to use some ties to get the colas evenly spaced under the light.

I've got a little bit of burn going on on the tips of new growth. About to flush and reset the nutes. What PPM should I be running at this point and what concentrations of each? I have the GH trio, silica, calmag, and hydroguard. Recommendations?

This is the schedule I've been using as a baseline.


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Just flushed and reset it to the week 7 nutes from the chart above. Overall EC landed at 1.4, which seems about right I think.
Day 19 of 12/12.

I'm struggling to keep humidity down. VPD is hovering around 0.9. Thinking of turning up the heat a bit to get VPD closer to 1.3.

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So my wife commented that she smelled a skunk under the house yesterday. Needless to say I finally got around to installing the ozone generator last night. :)

I plugged this little $18 unit into a cycle timer (1 min on, 1 min off) with the tube inserted into the mouth of the outlet duct. No more skunk under the house.

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I gained about 6 inches of head room with the HLG 135 snug up against the top of the tent. 720 ppfd at the tops @ 18 inches, plus much better light distibution and penetration! Reading 540 ppfd at the walls.

Day 29 of flower. Just need to keep her alive for about another month! I ordered a bigger dehumidifier since the one I have is no longer able to get RH below the low 60s. VPD is 1.1, I'd like to get it up to 1.4 for better transpiration. Reading 1180 PPFD @10 inches from that tall cola in the center. A bit high, but no sign of light stress yet. The oddly high CO2 levels are probably helping.

On another note, I just finished building an android app the converts lux to PPFD based on a selected light. My Samsung S7 sensor maxes out at about 680 PPFD, unfortunately. Newer phones might be better.

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