remote door lock


Well-Known Member
some of you guys have probbally seen this from high times but I thought it was cool enough to post here. I thought it is pretty handy to use to keep snoopy people out with out a big dead bolt or other locks in the open. Of course it wont stop someone from kicking it in but if a thief has made it that far into your house no lock will stop them from getting into a room they want into


Well-Known Member
could you adapt the locks to work by a cell phone? like get a cheap pay buy the minute cell and a set of head phones for it and use the voltage from the ring (when you call) to actuate a solenoid to activate a higher voltage circuit that the lock actuators are on.


Well-Known Member
then you could put a security camera on it that you could access remotely by computer and also have a motion sensor security light that also activates the locks.


Well-Known Member
you could also reinforce the door jams with plate steel so the po po's have a hard time kicking the fucker down :)


Well-Known Member
do you guys think there is a big enough market for door reinforcements or specialized doors/door jams? like 2 to 4 hundred dollars for an inpenatrable door? i think lots of growers would be intrested, no?