Remembering Michoacán


Active Member
I was reading an article, chronicling cannabis sells by region, over the past decades. It had mention about in the 79-80 time frame pot from Mexico was coming from individual states. And named as such. Michoacan being on of those states.
Well back round that time, I remembered grass coming around sometimes called, Michoacan, several times within a couple years, selling at that time bout 40 dollars a oz, that was high back then. Standard smoke was 30-35, man I remember some sweet, faaatt 30 dollar bags, but anyways. Michoacan was, as I remember, kind a blueish in tint, and liquorish smelling. Some was really strong, the buzz was the same as standard smoke, some better, some not, but it was different. Wonder what was up with that? Could that be when the Mexicans got the indicas in to cross breed with their own strain? or is that an independent strain known to the Michoacan, Mexico area?
I've smoked grass for a lot of years in my life, not very many times is the grass truly different, so I try to pay attention when it does.


Active Member
Nobody remembers it? or the liquouise tasting weed? I think there are strain out there with that tint to the grass.


Active Member
I bought an oz 3 years ago and it had a slight blue tinge silver hairs Looking back it did have a liqourishy/graham cracker taste. Could this be what your talking about?


Well-Known Member
Very interesting....a blast from the past. But I'm talking late 60's. Standard Mex was 8-10/oz. Mich, Panama, and Acapulco was way up there at 14 and it was a whole different class. Used to get it from Denver Bob (or Bufalo Bob, never could tell the difference twix the two). He sat on the fire hydrant in front of the Peace Eye Bookstore on the corner of Haight and Clayton, I lived in the corner apartment directly above the bookstore (but that's another story). We weren't sophisticated enough to disect the high , but it was in a different class!
And get was seeded. So don't ever tell me that seeded weed sucks.


Active Member
Pretty cool, but curious. I wonder if it was a same strain that made it's way around a couple of differnt time periods? I've read of mich being in cali in the 60s, but I swear in the late 70s early 80s I saw it come round in the norht east us, and it was seedy grass as well.
Got me wantin liquorish tastin grass, I bet it some heavy indica.
Thanks for the replys!


Active Member
I was reading an article, chronicling cannabis sells by region, over the past decades. It had mention about in the 79-80 time frame pot from Mexico was coming from individual states. And named as such. Michoacan being on of those states.
Well back round that time, I remembered grass coming around sometimes called, Michoacan, several times within a couple years, selling at that time bout 40 dollars a oz, that was high back then. Standard smoke was 30-35, man I remember some sweet, faaatt 30 dollar bags, but anyways. Michoacan was, as I remember, kind a blueish in tint, and liquorish smelling. Some was really strong, the buzz was the same as standard smoke, some better, some not, but it was different. Wonder what was up with that? Could that be when the Mexicans got the indicas in to cross breed with their own strain? or is that an independent strain known to the Michoacan, Mexico area?
I've smoked grass for a lot of years in my life, not very many times is the grass truly different, so I try to pay attention when it does.
The Jefferson Airplane was making a legend out of this stuff on their Volunteers LP - it was nicknamed 'Icebag' from the containers they used to smuggle it in from Mexico, and it was described as having a bright green color (at that time, anyway). It's hard to imagine any of those folks having even mediocre weed, though.


Well-Known Member
I got what was called Michoacan late 70's and it was good shit, but not killer. Do not remember it blue or licorice flavor. Fact is, if they thought you would pay more they would rename the weed.

Oaxacan, Guerrero, Acapulco were some more desired names than Micho as I remember or have read. A lot of the sativas were stony so that does not mean they crossed them with indicas, although by late 70's that may have started.


In 1968, the stuff did not play. Some of it could be borderline scary. A friends brother attending Columbia University had copped some Michoacan that he said cost him $150 a pound!! One slim joint had four of us obliterated. There was more than a quarter of a joint left, that know one could find as it sat in the ashtray right in front of us.

Those days most weed and hash (black primo, nepalese temple balls, blonde lebanese, ummmmmm:) was seriously mind altering. Visual and time distortions were fairly common (that psychedelic thing people talk about and want so bad) but trust me its fun when you're young with few responsibilities stumbling around Central Park or holed up in someone's house listening to Hendrix Are You Experience? or Led Zepplin.


Sector 5 Moderator
I guess by the time it got to Georgia the name got lost in translation; we called it "mesh-ma-kahn" there. Metabeta, you're absolutely right; some of the weed back in the day was an incredible mind trip. I remember smoking some Colombian (my all time favorite!) one night and I was tripping just like I had dropped acid, and that wasn't the only time. I once shared a J the size of a matchstick with 5 friends. All 6 of us got absolutely wasted on it; it was Acapulco gold.


New Member
About time somebody said something good about weed with seeds in it it's always been good weed has if it wasn't we wouldn't have went to prison for it when it was illegal as hell. People nowadays spoiled by going into dispensaries with people in lab coats serving them yeah we used to get shot at and shit not to mention locked up sometimes for extended periods of time years even. Seeds and weed it helps you grow more weed. Cloning keeps the same strain going you got to get something different sometimes a little bit new elements in the mixture. Weed I don't believe is any better now than it was in the '70s I got stoned as a mother fucker back then off one hit sometimes I do the same now sometimes I don't get high at all. So many different brands of weed out there now, and places to get it.. and even in the illegal States where I have seen the people going into the smoke shops and buying Delta products and selling it to their friends as moon too much fake crap in the world because people have got to make every dollar they can off the plant, that so many people have given up their entire lives just to be able to smoke....