Remember kids to avoid poison ivy this season!


Well-Known Member
I'm damn good at avoiding this baneful plant usually. But I was out a few nights ago playing dig dug. Had the military angle head flashlight to keep a small light to work with. Threw 9 in a plot. Woke up today and bam I was hit with the itches :cuss:
I spent a lot of days when I was a kid looking like a pink faced William Wallace lol.
So yeah just a reminder. Also if you take your dog and it's prone to run around the bushes a lot to give it a good bath when you get home. I actually think she may have been the plague bearer. It was her first expedition with me and she was sniffing/investigating everything she normally doesn't get to see and smell.
This is sort of a rant and a reminder to us people with an allergy to it.


Well-Known Member
Last year I was weed waking my area. Next day poison oak on my junk.

A good tip is, if you have to take a piss, don't use your hands.


Virtually Unknown Member
I never experienced any urushiol reactions when I was younger but within the last 10 years or so, I've had a couple of episodes, one requiring a trip to the ER for a shot. Sensitivity is supposed to decline as you age but not with me. It seems I have to actually get the juice on my hands vs. casual brush contact with the plant(s). Now, whenever I go out to new areas, I make sure I either wear gloves and wash myself and clothes immediately when I'm done. And don't touch your face or anywhere else when you're out:(