• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Religion Poisons Everything


New Member
We believe it is not quite polite to throw people into a bucket and Yell them what they do not believe while Your Mind is closed.

We also believe

Religion Does Not Poison Everything

We also believe there are bad apples in every study involving Big Money.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what people may believe everyone on this earth is apart of God, whether you realize it or not. The thing is realization. It has to come from within yourself. It does not come from reading scriptures or going to church.


New Member
Please exit my delusion!

Did you read not the sign at the door saying "long-haired phreaky people need not enter The Phat Rabbit hole"?
You don't qualify as an athiest if you believe there may be a higher power or if you believe in spirits or whatever. Sorry to be so harsh, but you completely fail as an athiest. You have part of it right, but most of it wrong.

Reincarnation? You may as well be a creationist.

I dont BELIEVE, but i dont doubt it and neither should others. Atheists are sure there is absolutly nothing out there but how are you so sure? NOBODY knows, so i dont know, and you dont know. there is more proof the deity god dosnt exist than that energy dosnt exist, maybe not a higher power that has controll over everything, but ENERGY. Maybe im not a good atheist then... i keep my mind open and i feel most atheists shut them because of all the frustration they feel towards the religious, but really you have to open your eyes to see that we arnt here for no reason, to live and die.


I dont BELIEVE, but i dont doubt it and neither should others. Atheists are sure there is absolutly nothing out there but how are you so sure? NOBODY knows, so i dont know, and you dont know. there is more proof the deity god dosnt exist than that energy dosnt exist, maybe not a higher power that has controll over everything, but ENERGY. Maybe im not a good atheist then... i keep my mind open and i feel most atheists shut them because of all the frustration they feel towards the religious, but really you have to open your eyes to see that we arnt here for no reason, to live and die.

The majority of atheists fall in line with your belief. There are atheists out there, like Morgen, who do believe there is not a God. My personal belief is almost on par with his, though I still hold that 1% of "there might be something", but I'm still an atheist in the sense that none of the Gods mankind has ever seen, none of them, exist. I am just as positive of this fact that I am sitting here typing this.

If there is a God, I sincerely hope he's one of those kinds that doesn't fuck with anyones lives, because if he's not, I sure as fuck won't worship him the way he's been "guiding" our history...


Well-Known Member
God would never force anyone to choose Him. He wants you to choose Him because you love Him and you want only Him. If you have God, you have everything. One would choose to love God because they realize that He is everlasting happiness. No material possessions or relationships will bring you real happiness. Real happiness is found with God. There is no security in this material world. Everything is subject to change, there is only security in God. I don't "believe" in God because I am afraid of dying, everyone dies and eventually I will die too. I am not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean I won't try and prevent it if I can. I wouldn't stick my head in a lions mouth. I "believe" in God because I know that deep down that is what I truly desire. I have a very good idea of who I am and what my soul is, until you know that you will never realize God. Many people look out in the world to find God, but there you can only find His work. God and science go hand in hand. Science is how God made the universe, how everything works. It's perfect how everything works. If you really want to find God, you need to look within yourself. Man was created in the image of God. If you are so sure that He doesn't exist then there is nothing that I can tell you that will make you "believe", as I said before it comes from within yourself, you have to want it. It doesn't matter to me what other people think, I can't change anyone, only you can change you. I am only telling you this because everyone is apart of God and if you can find Him within yourself you can have real happiness. Happiness is what everyone really wants and God is that, for everyone not just one person. He is not hiding from you, but you are hiding from Him. Only when you really desire Him and give Him your love will He reveal Himself too you. All that exists is God, everything else is nothing.


Well-Known Member
The majority of atheists fall in line with your belief. There are atheists out there, like Morgen, who do believe there is not a God.

Well I'm open to the discovery of some sort of creative intelligence or force. There has just been no evidence presented for one, therefore there is no call to believe in one.

My absolute certainty is in regards to the desperate little gods of men, petty, vindictive, and concerned with all manner of social control, demanding belief and obedience like a wretched schoolyard bully. With each religion convinced it is the true religion and the others are wrong.

If faith without evidence is to be considered virtuous and correct, then all must be true. Since they contradict each other profusely, then all must be false. There is no evidence which makes any one religion more substantial than another except sheer numbers and the willingness to indoctrinate by force.

And back to what Dutchie said... Yes, you can be a good atheist with your interpretation.

I'd be considered a gnostic atheist, anti-theist, and agnostic adeist. As in I'm certain there is no religious deity, am anti-religious, and pretty sure there is no general creator too but can't say with any certainty. This could all be a mathematical simulation in that regard.

So if you're an atheist who doesn't believe in the christian god or any of its ilk, but think there is probably a creator, then you're an atheist and an agnostic deist.

Ta da. You won't implode now :)


Well-Known Member
God would never force anyone to choose Him.
Right. All that scripture about punishment for unbelievers isn't an attempt to force anyone.

Just like if you pour gasoline on someone and put them at the edge of a building and tell them they have the option to jump or you're going to set them on fire, it absolves you of any blame if they jump.

edit: The "lovely" thing about indoctrination is that you only have to terrorize the new converts into your religion for a generation or two. After that, they've done a good job of convincing their children to believe the lies in order to protect them, and those children don't even realize the religion they are immersed in was forced on their ancestors. African Slaves and Native Americans being two cultural groups heavily affected by forced indoctrination.


Well-Known Member
Right. All that scripture about punishment for unbelievers isn't an attempt to force anyone.

Just like if you pour gasoline on someone and put them at the edge of a building and tell them they have the option to jump or you're going to set them on fire, it absolves you of any blame if they jump.

edit: The "lovely" thing about indoctrination is that you only have to terrorize the new converts into your religion for a generation or two. After that, they've done a good job of convincing their children to believe the lies in order to protect them, and those children don't even realize the religion they are immersed in was forced on their ancestors. African Slaves and Native Americans being two cultural groups heavily affected by forced indoctrination.
It sounds like you have a lot of hate in you. As in the other thread I have said what I needed to say. I guess I will let "reality" hit me on the way out.


Well-Known Member
You just can't win Morgan even when you're right. You can try to point out how heretics were tortured burned and killed all you want, it won't sink in. You can remind them that hell is an everlasting torture you are promised if you don't believe and don't do as you're instructed. You can explain how many ways the bible says you should suffer, and how many of all the pleasures of life you must deny yourself. You can explain how arms are supposed to be chopped off for theft or eyes are supposed to be gouged out. And on and on and on. It's a loving and understanding and compassionate god, and you had damn well BEST believe that or he'll KILL you then let you be tortured FOREVER.

Yet you sir are indeed full of hate. It's you that is the problem. :) Clearly god doesn't force anything on you.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have a lot of hate in you. As in the other thread I have said what I needed to say. I guess I will let "reality" hit me on the way out.

Acctually he is pointing something out that is quite accurate. Funny though, your comment made me think of sean hannity when somone brings up a counter point he then retorts with "Why do you hate America" every time. Hilarious.


Well-Known Member
life is for suffering.,.,life is also a long,bumpy foggy road but i love it so.,.,knowledge of the creator is overstanding.,.,
God would never force anyone to choose Him. He wants you to choose Him because you love Him and you want only Him. If you have God, you have everything. One would choose to love God because they realize that He is everlasting happiness. No material possessions or relationships will bring you real happiness. Real happiness is found with God. There is no security in this material world. Everything is subject to change, there is only security in God. I don't "believe" in God because I am afraid of dying, everyone dies and eventually I will die too. I am not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean I won't try and prevent it if I can. I wouldn't stick my head in a lions mouth. I "believe" in God because I know that deep down that is what I truly desire. I have a very good idea of who I am and what my soul is, until you know that you will never realize God. Many people look out in the world to find God, but there you can only find His work. God and science go hand in hand. Science is how God made the universe, how everything works. It's perfect how everything works. If you really want to find God, you need to look within yourself. Man was created in the image of God. If you are so sure that He doesn't exist then there is nothing that I can tell you that will make you "believe", as I said before it comes from within yourself, you have to want it. It doesn't matter to me what other people think, I can't change anyone, only you can change you. I am only telling you this because everyone is apart of God and if you can find Him within yourself you can have real happiness. Happiness is what everyone really wants and God is that, for everyone not just one person. He is not hiding from you, but you are hiding from Him. Only when you really desire Him and give Him your love will He reveal Himself too you. All that exists is God, everything else is nothing.
Hmmm... I have some questions. Ofcourse god cannot force people to choose him, 'he' has proven he has no force on anything. You may pray for something, or bad things occur on the earth, but how does god show he truely cares when he dosnt do anything about it. You said "He wants you to choose Him because you love Him and you want only Him" Ah, so only you want him, you NEED him because you need someone to show you unconsitional love, because maybe you have never expiernced it with someone who actually exists, but what you are really doing is finding love within yourself, because the religious god dosnt exist within us. "If you have god you have everything" So a person with nothing, can have everything with the belief of an invisible deity??? Your completely off, people who have everything are the people that work hard for what they have, and dont except to be hit with miracles, just by simply asking or believing. You learn how to fish and you survive, you pray for a fish and you die of starvation. Also what you said about not having real happiness in real existing relashionships is bullshit. I think people like you must not have healthy relashionships in your life, so you turn to god for love, but what love are you truely resieving if nothing is there? God is an invisible friend for those who feel less than or unloved in life.
`God and science go hand in hand. Science is how God made the universe`
Sorry but thats saying hot is cold. Science is NOT how god made the universe. Science is evolution and the how nature works, and i agree it is perfect how it all works, but that dosnt mean you should worship a god, worship nature for its true brilliance.
I am happy because im strong enough to not need imaginary support, all i have is myself and my relashionships with the people i love, and actually exist.
Your thinking is truely unhealthy if you think true happiness is only found in god, you are MISTAKEN.


Well-Known Member
I don't belong to any religion.
Funny, because you keep talking about your deity exactly as though you were a Christian.

"God is love." "Man was made in God's image." "God gave us free will" and we can't see him because we've blocked him out.

And even if you're not just blatantly pulling some common themes from Christianity, you're making specific claims about the truth of those beliefs (edit: devoid of any evidence but personal faith that is it so). And that is religion.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have a lot of hate in you. As in the other thread I have said what I needed to say. I guess I will let "reality" hit me on the way out.
I have absolutely no respect for bullshit claims of any form.

If you tell me the best way to grow pot is with hydrogen cyanide and thermite, I'm going to call you on it.

If you blather on about the benefits of adhering to mythology created by primitive man, and how wonderful it is, I'll call you on that too.

Gods are born of ignorance. And the only way they sustain themselves is by the perpetuation of ignorance. As people look for naturalistic explanations of things, instead of cleaving to the supernatural, gods die.



New Member
"Gods are born of ignorance. And the only way they sustain themselves is by the perpetuation of ignorance. As people look for naturalistic explanations of things, instead of cleaving to the supernatural, gods die."

Many believe the above harshly worded statement contains kind kernels of truth.

We don't believe all Gods die from Humanities Rapid Acquisition Of Knowledge.

Some evolve, just like Mod Gods and other Deities do.

A REAL question for Atheists:

How do we explain the Unexplainable Whys of Life without acknowledging the Spiritual Realm linked to our Souls?

I am deathly curious as I sincerely want to use my Mind to the best of my ability to think through and completely understand exactly how I can achieve the pure pleasure of Heaven over burning down under that I believe is possible.

We believe many here label themselves Atheists are actually Anti-Theists, which is an entirely different and Darker Species.

Anti-Theists are The God Haters.

We hate haters that spittle in people's faces.