Related To The Legality Of A Cannabis Like Substance


it is illegal to cultivate members of the genus cannibis in the uk, rarely plants in the same family can form hybrids (hybrids will only be able to be multiplyed with cloning) hybrids formed from plants of 2 different genus belong to neither genus and have a new genus and species name specifically for the new genetics, a hybrid of a cannabis and another outer genus plant (possibly still producing the same cannabinoids as cannabis) would belong to a different species therefore would be a legal plant to cultivate (for a short while untill it would be criminalised), it would be legal and still produce cannabinoids, does this seem logical?


Well-Known Member
The Blue Meanies will undoubtably rewrite the books to suit their needs and to cover every legal aspect in order to make any form of cannibis cultivation illegal.

Prid pro quo


or genetically engineer cyanobacteria to produce enzymes in cannabis so it produces cannabinoids (the important ones)