Reincarnation or AfterLife?


Well-Known Member

  • if you were to be reincarnated, why would you not remember the first life so you could learn and grow from your mistakes?? that just seems kind of silly imo..

Funny that subconscious exists ya know..


Ursus marijanus
Well there is the Jungian idea that beneath the subconscious is the Unconscious ... and the racial Unconscious, which may or may not account for former life memories, paranormal ability etc. cn


Well-Known Member
What Im saying is that we're not worm food lol
There is something more. But I mean like I said I dont even know... Infinity makes more sense than absolutely nothing.. But maybe absolutely nothing and infinity are the same? :/

Anyways also you have something inside your head that makes you make decisions that you do not think about, why?


Well-Known Member
All of us could very well be the same,we could be heading to a single point at the end, There dosent seem to be any judgement from any other entity than ourselves after death, contemplatively speaking,but who knows for sure.Nothing is lost in the universe,matter turns into energy, energy turns into matter. A dead leaf turns into soil. A seed sprouts and becomes a new plant. Old solar systems disintegrate and turn into cosmic rays. We are born of our parents, our children are born of us.This is something that makes basic good sense in life,IMO.