Regular Weed??WtF


Active Member
Thanks. :) It was a seed from a good bag of schwag. Potency from quick drying the very bottom buds (not pictured) suggests good mid-grade but I also had to harvest a week early. I'm looking forward to trying some after it's done drying properly.


Thanks. :) It was a seed from a good bag of schwag. Potency from quick drying the very bottom buds (not pictured) suggests good mid-grade but I also had to harvest a week early. I'm looking forward to trying some after it's done drying properly.

yeah prolly just some mexican sativa touched up with quit a bit of indica in there to. hope it treats you right:weed:


Active Member
That's what I figure. I also have a sativa with about a month left. They were my first run with seedlings.

She's already been treating me right. A few bong rips or mixed with Green Crack and I'm pretty loaded.
I know a litle late to the party but I have to say very helpful guys i won a bet and you taught me some stuff, and I had to google what sensimilla was... i know now lol.