Regular Seeds


Hey I'm new at this, and need some advice, I'm strapped for money and regular seeds are cheaper than feminized seeds, I know regular seeds have a higher % of becoming male

My question is, how can I help or try to make the "regular" seed I'm ordering, female?

I'm ordering an autoflowering regular seed.

And one other thing, I know how to germinate, but I've heard that u have to wait till 6 inches to put them outside..but with autoflowering can u just throw it in the soil after germination and put it outside?

Sorry I know it's a lot to answer, but would be great if I could get some advice, thanks guys



you cant do anything to make it female it will be female or wont, thats why id probs just go with fem seeds and look after it while its little if its reallt windy outside
I don't know tons about autoflowering strains but from what I've gathered autoflowers can be either male or female. So can feminized seeds. Feminized seeds can still herm on you but less likely. Make sure you don't stress the plant/s too much and make sure you have no light leakage during your "dark" (lights off) cycle. Light during this time can herm a plant. Best of luck.


Active Member
some regulars are more expensive....I dont care to much for autos...stick with the real stuff.I grew some ak47 autos a few years ago...they were average at best.


Well-Known Member
Personally, Regular seeds are the way to go, its all i will buy. i like being able to have a stock of back up seed in case for some reason i need to chop my plants down i still have back up of that strain... but maybe thats jsut me im definitely a collector of seeds..

and there is nothing wrong with auto flowering strains. To each there own IMHO
i can see how they can be used to produce in little periods of time. so all the power to you if you want to grow them.
they should be hearty enough seeds to be jsut put into a pot of soil and put directly outside, however if you want to wait untill the plant is 6 inches that is fine as well.

Its a WEEEEED remember that. it dosent neeed you to survive (sorry to tell yeh ;) ) lol what im saying is just don't over do anything (ei. water,fert) and you'll do fine :D!
Best of luck to you hope u update with your progress!


Well-Known Member
also theres nothing that you can do that will make your seeds female its kinda a hitt or miss kinda thing. just order 10 seeds and dont use them all at once start with 2- 3 at a time and see how they workout :D


Alright thanks guys, I just ordered 1 feminized seed, its an autoflowering strain, so let's hope it works out, if worse happens, it'll turn hermie, and I'll have seeds and bud, so not worried about it, like u said, hit or miss

But u sure autoflowering plants can go directly outside right after germination? Just don't wanna fuck up my first time haha, and yeah I'll post pics and stuff, keep ya updated


Well-Known Member
people tend to forget these plants originate from outside... not your closets or basements loll.
as long as its not cold outside you should do just fine. if your worried keep it in till its big enough and your comfortable
taking it outside. hope all goes well, what seed did u go with?

btw hermie seeds =crapp.. sorry

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I agree, people sometimes say that different light cycles or this or that will increase the chance of a female, but i simply look at it as the seed in my hand is male or female, it is what it is, we'll just have to wait and see.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I always start fem seeds. All I can say is I've never had a hermie. But mine are an old stable strain, and I think that's a factor. Newer strains du jour often have less stable genetics and they are probably more prone to hermie. Anyway, I get 10 good plants out of 10 fem seeds (Northern Lights) and I have to buy 20 regular seeds, and then bother sexing and culling them, to get 10 plants. Maybe I'm just lucky - dunno.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think that IS is right, in that there are plenty of great fem seeds to be had, i've never had a hermie, but seems these days there are a lot more cowboy breeders looking to get a new strain out onto the market in the smallest amount of time possible.


[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]The strain was "green-o-matic"

And alright, I'll start it outside and see how it does, and if the "fem." seed turns hermie..well, I'll have bud and seeds for next years grow ;) lol

And the place where I gt my seed was "" I dunno if u guys order from there but just lookin for good advice thanks[/FONT]