Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

Each individual has the right to do as they please with their own body.


I agree. What I don't understand is why people can't be honest about it. Seems like people just want to be approved of these days. Who stole all the balls?
I agree. What I don't understand is why people can't be honest about it. Seems like people just want to be approved of these days. Who stole all the balls?

Well, there IS a lot of shitty 'science' out there.

Richard Branson's prefrontal cortex seems to work ok.
As marijuana becomes more accepted, and legal, more test will be done. Up to this point not much research has been done on it, comparatively speaking. As more tests are done more will be learned. Prepare yourselves for the results. We have no idea where this is heading.

I saw a program a while back on how marijuana was stopping seizures in young children. It was amazing and heartbreaking. I do feel there is a lot to be learned and most of it will be positive. But I also believe nothing is perfect.

How many in the study started toking at 26+, compared to 16- like Buck? That makes a big difference.

I think marijuana should be restricted to adults over 21, unless there are medical reasons involved.

Uncle Buck is burnt. Like toast. You can scrape off the black, but it still tastes nasty.
I think marijuana should be restricted to adults over 21, unless there are medical reasons involved.

Uncle Buck is burnt. Like toast. You can scrape off the black, but it still tastes nasty.

I didn't start until after 30. I think it should be 26. Your brain's peak doesn't happen until some time after 25.

Your car insurance rate doesn't start to go down until 25 too.
I think marijuana should be restricted to adults over 21, unless there are medical reasons involved.

Uncle Buck is burnt. Like toast. You can scrape off the black, but it still tastes nasty.

A little garlic butter and a quick spin in a hot pan...croutons for your salad.
You should just respond with a picture of your wife.