Regular Marijuana?


Active Member
hey guys im kind of a newbie .. i was wondering which strain regular or regs are and what their seed is called. please supply me with a lotta info about regs.


Well-Known Member
maybe i need to be corrected so take this with a grain of salt but heres how ive understood it

regs = medium quality pot.

dont necessarily know of any strains that brag about being regs....


Well-Known Member
I think candy's confusion is the result of the appearance of the feminised seeds. So to clarify: regular seeds=males and females, feminised seeds=females and shemales (sorry, couldn't resist). Strain does not matter in this case.


this is a perfect time to correct a very well know misconception reg. vs dro. Regular is something that is used to describe weed that has been grown with seeds vs weed that is grown without seeds. But all weed at some point comes from seed. So when you see companies that advertise reg or fem. they are advertising weeds that has both female and male plants from seed. Fem. meaning that the plant was taken through a process that has a high rate of success with female plants from seeds.
So too cap it off: when talking about weed Reg. denotes weeds that has seeds. When talking about seeds, Reg. denotes the presence of males.


Well-Known Member
IMO regs are grown in bulk (as said above, males present) where the growers number one concern is whether he's going to get 9 or 10 dollars for his pound of pressed herb. I guess Im basing that off the Mexi regs that come through here. We can pick up a lb for $350, but it has leaves and shit mixed in. Only use is for cooking or hash; id never load it in the bong.


Well-Known Member
Here in the GW_North, Reg weed is referred to as CESS, Whereas Hydro is seen to be very unique to cess.

Our reg = Pressed Mexican Herb (Sold to ppl here as JA Herb, not Mex) - Here, it's commonly referred to as CESS


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you're from but that sounds a bit backwards. Where I was from Cess was just shorthand for Sinsemilia, or without seeds, apparently some people just never realized the spelling or pronunciation. In reality it should be higher quality weed, of course it was all street crap and far from the "kind bud" or "chronic". More like decent stress with few seeds.

Regular in the sense he's meaning is just pot grown without a standard. It isn't grown right, picked right, cured right, and often times get bricked up with it untrimmed. If that's what you want you can certainly grow it with any seed.


Active Member
regs, or middies/mid grade are just the results of poorly grown and cultivated cannabis. dro refers to hydroponically grown cannabis.

peter tosh

regs = ghetto blunt weed sold by and purchased by ghetto people! i used to be one of them before i figured out there was a better way to smoke! btw this guy candytoker is kidding i'm sure, he's gotta be messing with us.


Well-Known Member
wow. so i totally get what you guys are saying, but its still shocking. lemme just say that living in Oregon most of my adult life, Shwag was about nonexistent (at least, i never saw it). Pretty sure it was due to the MMJ push and being so close to cali. I think the last time i even saw a bag of shwag (brick, whatever) was when i was like 16 (about 9 years ago). Thanks for the clarification though =D