Clinic's are awesome to an extent. When you go every place claims they have the best but only a good 1 out of every 10 actually do. The rest sells over priced midshelf. After that 80% of the clinics charge $60+ an eighth to cover costs of containers, security, and the convenience etc etc. However only a good 1 out of 27 (fuck this town lol) are truly non profit and sell real top shelf. Other than that it's a little office in random areas with a first room with a front desk and security. Give the front desk girl (they're all usually hot) your papers and ID and she verify's you and you walk into the second room. This room is the bud room with usually a white board (some places have giant TV moniters) that have the menu with 15+ strains. Seperated by price, sativa, indica, and hybrid. Usually sample jars of each bud stand out on the shelf so you can scope the bud before selecting. Usually a freezer with medibles. They weigh it all in front of you (~80% of the places do). Oh and a good ~15% take credit cards

I finance my ounces hahahahaha
Street dealers are a pain to get a contact, pain to get a hold of the dealer (they're just some dude... they don't dedicate hours a day to selling, the dealer is usually smoking with someone and doesn't answer), pain to buy the sack finally, and it's usually 2.8 for an eighth because unless you're dealer is a buddy of yours or knows you know the game, he'll rip you off. A lot of dealers sell mids. Handful sell bomb shit and even more are selling shit from clinics haha. I still get street shit if my buddy ever has something that catches my eye, but I'm picky when it comes to quality
Basically there is no difference. Because both of them take a lot of searching or luck to find that ONE RIGHT SPOT/ PERSON