regular carbon filters vs brand names


Active Member
I bought one from ebay that looks EXACTLY like that one and it work like shit bro. For real
Just add the extra 10 bucks and get a good can filter. You'll love it. I do.
That cheap shit I got from ebay I left setting storage


Active Member
i bought one from ebay that looks exactly like that one and it work like shit bro. For real
just add the extra 10 bucks and get a good can filter. You'll love it. I do.
That cheap shit i got from ebay i left setting storage
can filter? What about a phresh or mountian air?


Well-Known Member
I have one similar, it's on the last leg of the second grow with it and I have never
had a smell outside of the tent.


Well-Known Member
I have a larger Can-Filter, and I run a smaller Phresh filter. One thing you don't want is for someone to smell your grow. There are just better ways to save some cash, smell control is not one of them, you know. You don't want to be sitting in jail with regrets about spending a few extra bucks on a filter. I personally like the Phresh filters over any other as they have a tighter pack, and seem to last alot longer. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
can filter? What about a phresh or mountian air?
I love my mountain air filter. I have the four inch and didn't need to buy a flange for it, it hooked right to my fan perfectly. Which ever brand you choose don't go with the el cheapo model. Piece of mind shouldn't be underpriced and overlooked.

Good Luck and Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
Have you considered ona gel?
Ona gel is an ok compliment to a carbon filter, but not a replacement. I use a homemade filter and it works fine for me, but I use ona gel when I need to open the door and work on the plant. If not using my home built, I would get a reputable brand, not worth the savings if you do not know what you are getting, particularly since you need to get something done right away(already getting smelly)


I used a Rhino filter and Ona Gel with Ona fan fitted to the pail...not a hint of smell outside of the tent. Had the carbon filter drawing smell from inside the tent, had the Ona with fan outside the tent. Worked perfectly.