Regular air cooled hood or 4x4 umbrella hood. (pros cons)


Active Member
Which hood type would you guys suggest would be better and more benifiacal for the plants.

A regular air cooled reflective hood or an Umbrella type hood. Keeping in mind to help with heat issues I would place exhaust fan duct right under the bulb of the umbrella hood.

What do you guys think are the pros and cons of both. Grow space is a 5LX5WX6H


Well-Known Member
Depends on your grow space those umbrella hoods are good a spreading out the light profile a bit. But in a limited space an air cooled hood is necessary.


Well-Known Member
would a 5x5x6 be considered limited?
What kind of ventilation do you have? How many plants? What kind of grow SOG? Remember you can put an air cooled hood closer to your plants. I like the Umbrellas for large grows where you can attach the light to a light mover rail:peace:


Well-Known Member
5x5 is way limited and would not benefit from a parabolic hood but would certainly benefit from a true vented hood.

A cooltube/batwing type would be ideal tho.


Active Member
I see, I was going under the impression that the umbrella hood would give even the plants on the outter limits of the grow space the necessary light.


Active Member
That being said a 5X5 grow space with 20-25 plants. Under a 600 watt 95,000 lumen HPS, would that be pushing it. I did the calculations and all the plants would get he necessary 3000-4000 lumens needed for superb grow. Any imput would be welcomed


Well-Known Member
It would be ideal if you can keep the temps down. You could even cram a 1000 in there. Heat is the only limit so that's why I suggested a cooltube. There are DIY methods to make a cooltube and batwing if the retail ones seem too expensive for your liking. The batwing lets you adjust the focus of light spread to maximize light in your space and the cooltube part lets you get the light way way closer than normally possible for incredible growth and penetration.

If you want to look up DIY cooltube just search on "bake-a-round"

On ebay they sell for $10 or so, maybe $20 with shipping, then it just takes a few little bits to make it work.


Well-Known Member
I see them on ebay every day, but that's the ONLY place I do normally see them. There are 14 listings for them right now plus a few more in other parts of ebay.

It's a shame they don't make them any more, but at least we have ebay.