

Well-Known Member
I saw this in the backyard of the first house I bought a decade ago.

Everything tells me this is Mexican regular weed. Didn't get to finish it. I have yet to get another plant with these pink pistils.



Well-Known Member
I love the pink pistil plants. There are quite a few mexican/central/south american strains that have redish to pink pistils, but the pinkest I've ever seen was in Hawaii over twenty years ago-which is why i got excited when a fellow named radiant rudy posted this pick of Swami Cherry Bomb in another thread:
Then I look into it and find out it has Hawaiian genetics! I just ordered a pack of these seeds and can't wait to grow them out and see if they're similar to that amazing bud I had 20 years ago. So awesome you found that plant in your backyard-when you find something special, never let it go!