Dammit! Where's my post from yesterday. I hate when I do that.! And I can't even blame the weed this time either. Lol
Hey, that oil can be dangerous if your not careful Mo. And your so right, having oils and hash around sure makes the weed spread out and last longer. I like to just ingest my oil when it comes out good.. Like this time, I hope.
And dude, thanks so much for your support on that fast. I told you guys about it cause I knew you would back me up, and it's been tough the past few days too.
Cheers man I would happily share all my hash and oil with you if I could..
And on that note.
I spent the day making some Dry Ice extract and started the winterized BHO as well..
I used my 160 micron bag and all fresh frozen buds for this. Normally it's made with dried buds and most use the 220 work bag, but I wanted to see if I can make it bubble..?
Also this run of the Winterized Bho is made with some old ChemD sugar. Tomorrow I will finish it up and make a proper bud only run, as well as some bubble hash if time allows]