Refusing vehicle search?

Right, you are perfectly free to leave/ it's best to say something like '' well I'm running late I better get going'' and start to reach for the window knob to roll it up. IF they ask you some mindfuck question it is best just to not answer it, just say you have to get going your dinner is getting cold or whatnot and assume you are free to go and act like it such as starting the car, putting seat belt on. Reaching for the window knob to roll it up. '' well have a nice day I got to get home my dinner is getting cold''

Carefull with the reaching . . . . . .
Never consent to a search answer his questions with questions or plead the 5th. If he asks u were you going say i plead the 5th. It does not.matter were your going or what your doing. he is tryin to get you to talk so he can start asking questions etc. If he asks you to step out the vehicle put your windows up lock your doors and put keys in yiur pocket amd express you d
do not consent to searches there is no valid reasoning for this and state you are expressing your constitutional rights as an American... also fyi check points such as dui or license checks are illegal. They can not stop you ask you questions and or make you show id. You have the right to travel roads in the usa freely with out being stopped harrassed etc. Learn your rights. Also a car is a castle you can record sound video tape etc all you want. And i highly advise you to record.every police encounter with voice recorder on your phome. For your safety. They can record and video tape ypu and you can in return do yhe same to them
This is one reason why it's always good to have an attorney, any attorney on a simple retainer. Prices vary but you probably can get one for $500.00.

All you have to do is say you don't consent to anything and hand the cop the business card. You don't have anything to say, no discussions, nothing without your attorney. They will leave you alone or just call a dog. You don't need to be a criminal to have an attorney, it's just like insurance. Most people of means have one for that "just in case". There is no reason why you should not have one too.

Oh yeah, one more thing; never, ever have air fresheners hanging from your car rear view mirror. Cops even have some silly name for them like felony trees or something like that.
when i was 17 i got pulled over with a QP of some stanky ass bud and i had a scale on me (dumb mistake). the cop said my car reeked and asked to search my car. I told him i don't consent to searches of any kind and he started to get super heated pulling the whole "if you've got nothing to hide" bullshit. Then he threatened to get a k9 so i said go ahead and he went back to his car and waited there for 20 or so minutes (i presume waiting for the k9) and then all of a sudden he drives off. you should've seen the grin on my face lol. lesson learned though
I'm in Canada........snip......

None of the US Civil rights and responsibilities apply to you. In your case the best thing you could do would be to spend a little money and go speak with a solicitor or whatever your first line of legal defense is in Canada. Pay to get this information and keep his card in case you need him to make good on his advice. It is much easier to find legal GOOD legal counsel when you are outside and need no assistance. When you are in trouble the decisions can become murky.
Why don't ppl just keep their weed in their trunk or if they have a jeep or something with no trunk put it in a mason jar somewhere like in your book bag, wouldn't smell it then
Why don't ppl just keep their weed in their trunk or if they have a jeep or something with no trunk put it in a mason jar somewhere like in your book bag, wouldn't smell it then

Sure, if your only carrying an ounce or so. I was talking about after an outdoor harvest. + Lbs...
oh well saying u don't consent to a search is your best bet but if u only have like a joint or a gram your best off just being polite and honest, well in canada anyways they aint that strict on weed
You also have a right to limit a search. You can give consent to search the interior of your car but tell them they can't search the trunk or any locked containers. You can also withdrawal consent at anytime after they have started a search, of course this right ends if they find something. Treat the cop either neutrally or politely during any encounter, it goes a long way to get the encounter over quickly and if you piss them off they will go the extra steps to get you busted, like the K9 walk around, stricter scrutiny of plain view, ect. There are tons of good info out there and some that are just incorrect about your rights. The laws are always changing so if your worried about it stay informed. I do have a J.D. And these are the basics, always check your state laws, some states add more restrictions than what the Supreme Court has granted.
Be polite, but firm. You're not going to win a legal battle on the street. Also, only break one law at a time. Don't speed, etc. while you're holding. Keep your car legal, etc. You'll never have to worry about your rights if you don't get stopped.
Be polite, but firm. You're not going to win a legal battle on the street. Also, only break one law at a time. Don't speed, etc. while you're holding. Keep your car legal, etc. You'll never have to worry about your rights if you don't get stopped.
You are spot on about not winning a legal battle on the side of the road. If you are polite or neutral to the officer they may mention it in their report (traffic ticket or arrest report if it goes that way for some reason) or they may not mention it at all, both of these are good for you, could be a positive mark in court or at least not a negative one. If you are a jerk, that will almost always into a report and that will cost you if you go to court. It's better to keep your composure.
I recently encountered this very situation and i can tell you that you cannot be prepared enough, watch your driving enough, smell proof your gear enough if ever you have the unfortunate encounter with a highway interdiction unit. In my situation i happened to be driving through an area where they had just begun an criminal interdiction project scheduled to last 2 days and i just happened to be one of the first people caught up in the over zealous illegal search and seizure hay day.

I always felt real confident in my travels as i am an excellent driver. Im clean cut and i drive a modern well maintained vehicle and routinely change out all bulbs before a trek. Even after all this extra precaution the fuzz can and DOES & WILL profile individuals from out of state passing through especially if you happen to be on a major interstate. They love to exploit the slower speeds of construction zones so they can monitor tags with ease and also look for any means possible to stop you. They will fabricate a petty reason for a traffic stop if they cant find an obvious one only to ensnare you and initiate you into there pre planned system of procedures "THERE SHAKEDOWN GAME" all meant to arouse there suspicion about you and give them enough ammo to deploy there pooch to sniff out your vehicle.

Ive noticed there are some people following this thread that seem to have some knowledge in this area so please allow me to ask a few questions about my encounter and LEO procedure/methods and are they legal or illegal?. My appologies to the OP if this is jacking your thread.

Actually Since this could get quite long im going to start a thread called LEO HWY Shakedowns please if your knowledgeable about the law and civil rights please stop by and lend your input. Any attorneys out there?
Never give consent for a search, if you do you abrogate much of your Fourth Amendment rights. It's all about creating the record.
Reading through some of your post you've posted over time, you seem really knowledgeable. Is this the best option? Here in co I would not consent to one considering I am always legal. (Except when I accidently went on an army base.. Dif story for a dif day) But in my past experiences, if you are over your legal amount or in a state where cannabis is not legal, it is generally best to consent to search (depending on situation-how well you have it hidden & if you are a clean cut individual or not) Reason being: in my experience if you consent, they will briefly rummage through your shit then let you be on your way where as if you do not consent, they will get the k9 then REALLY tear through the vehicle until they find whatever it may be.. Just seems like if you are clean cut and consent, the officer thinks "ok, he has nothing to hide, this is a waist of my time."

I could be way off here for all I know, which is why I am asking, this has just been my experience the couple of times I've been searched.
Reading through some of your post you've posted over time, you seem really knowledgeable. Is this the best option? Here in co I would not consent to one considering I am always legal. (Except when I accidently went on an army base.. Dif story for a dif day) But in my past experiences, if you are over your legal amount or in a state where cannabis is not legal, it is generally best to consent to search (depending on situation-how well you have it hidden & if you are a clean cut individual or not) Reason being: in my experience if you consent, they will briefly rummage through your shit then let you be on your way where as if you do not consent, they will get the k9 then REALLY tear through the vehicle until they find whatever it may be.. Just seems like if you are clean cut and consent, the officer thinks "ok, he has nothing to hide, this is a waist of my time."

I could be way off here for all I know, which is why I am asking, this has just been my experience the couple of times I've been searched.

You have to decide, these issues, for yourself based upon your level of risk aversion. But any attorney will counsel you not to consent to a search. If you wish to roll the dice then that's adult life. We all choose where, when and how to bend for expediencies sake.

So I would be picked out because I have a beard and am a greasy mechanic

Really, you added a BEARD?? Pics in my inbox please :)
this is how it works .........i been picked up and jailed stop and looked at hell i had a cop walk into my house and wake me up to talk to me

1 if u grow weed after about 6/7 months u have transferred enough stink around to make u smell like a fricken plant in bloom to a dog ........u touching the plant or tools then touching something else u are covered in stink and a drug dog will bark when the cop pulls u over u have the time it takes him to write the ticket after he has given u the ticket u can leave.........once u give him the info he runs u for warrant and arrest (i seen the screen ) if u have any drug charges that is a auto request for the dogs at this point the cop stalls for the dogs to get there......they take the dog around and that gives them cause to search your car ....countless times this has happen to me

now if the dogs are busy and can not get there they can only delay so long as u are hazard to the road .....they might ask if they can search u have the right to refuse and leave once u get the ticket

now my state has decriminalized it up to 10 grams is just a civil fine 3rd time 500 buck ticket and every time after that if u got something small u can admit to having and take the ticket just do not admit to using with in 6 hours of u driving ........they are trying to figure away to do onsite THC lvl and treat it like DUI/DWI .........this will set off the dogs and u can use it as a excuse if the LBs are hidden well (as in stash box built into the car with a special trigger to release it 4 or more action to make it pop)

but again the only way to run shit is with a 3 or 4 man team running bait/block transport and fallow blocker 4 cars

oh and record cops never works out they hassle /charge u with something .........u must be like me in a 2 party state so by not telling them she broke the law........anything record has to be thrown out so odds is she recorded something bad on the cops and they have to charge fallow tho to protect self (they say messed up things in booking and it is u word vs theirs)

the only sure fire way to avoid it is to have a clean record and practice everything so u are calm civil clear answers/speech(no slang/street terms) no nerves showing ....what ever u are doing has to be logical rem the names what u are going to do and make it little personal touch for u .....the cop might make a joke to trip u up and see how u react (the correct reaction is a slight look of shock tilt head and say something joking back along the same lines jokingly)

here is how the numbers work 1 cop car and the cop gets your info gone for 20 mins comes back with ticket u are good ...........1 cop comes get info back to his car and 1 other car shows up do not sweat it .....but 1 cop comes up gets info goes away and 2 or 3 cars show smoke that last cig and rem shut the hell up .....i want a lawyer is the magic word (keep your mouth shut in jail and be polite to commissioner ) get bail
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