Refusing random drug test and searching for new job


Active Member
I have been working for a large company that has a zero tolerance drug policy for about 4 years. I passed the initial hair follicle and urinanalysis tests with ease as I stayed clean for about 8 months. Immediately after hire I started smoking again (work is tough and it really helps to wind down from a hard weeks work by smoking a J or two). People I know that have worked there for over 30 years report no randoms their entire lives, but during talking to a safety manager, I got wind that in 2017 they will begin random hair follicle tests. I've since stopped smoking and can pass a urinanalysis test but surely won't pass a hair follicle test. If I am selected I am NOT going to accept and will just quit my job.

I am wondering if anyone has experience in getting another job after quitting due to a random drug test at their former job? This current job is my only professional experience in the workforce with exception to a paid internship and various serving jobs. I really need to be able to put this job on my resume in order to get an equivalent job.

I am looking for advice from those who have been in this situation. How did you apply for other jobs? How badly did refusing a random at your previous job effect your getting an equivalent job at another company?

Please don't post a response if you are just going to judge me for smoking while holding a job that randoms. I smoke because my job is incredibly stressful and others get to have their alcohol. I just don't like drinking and would rather smoke. I never smoke on the job and am a wonderful employee out performing all my coworkers in the same position who have all since been laid off in this oil and gas downturn.
I have been working for a large company that has a zero tolerance drug policy for about 4 years. I passed the initial hair follicle and urinanalysis tests with ease as I stayed clean for about 8 months. Immediately after hire I started smoking again (work is tough and it really helps to wind down from a hard weeks work by smoking a J or two). People I know that have worked there for over 30 years report no randoms their entire lives, but during talking to a safety manager, I got wind that in 2017 they will begin random hair follicle tests. I've since stopped smoking and can pass a urinanalysis test but surely won't pass a hair follicle test. If I am selected I am NOT going to accept and will just quit my job.

I am wondering if anyone has experience in getting another job after quitting due to a random drug test at their former job? This current job is my only professional experience in the workforce with exception to a paid internship and various serving jobs. I really need to be able to put this job on my resume in order to get an equivalent job.

I am looking for advice from those who have been in this situation. How did you apply for other jobs? How badly did refusing a random at your previous job effect your getting an equivalent job at another company?

Please don't post a response if you are just going to judge me for smoking while holding a job that randoms. I smoke because my job is incredibly stressful and others get to have their alcohol. I just don't like drinking and would rather smoke. I never smoke on the job and am a wonderful employee out performing all my coworkers in the same position who have all since been laid off in this oil and gas downturn.
you don't need to tell your new employer why you left this job.I don't drink but I am an MMJ patient and I prefer pot to prescription meds
I have been working for a large company that has a zero tolerance drug policy for about 4 years. I passed the initial hair follicle and urinanalysis tests with ease as I stayed clean for about 8 months. Immediately after hire I started smoking again (work is tough and it really helps to wind down from a hard weeks work by smoking a J or two). People I know that have worked there for over 30 years report no randoms their entire lives, but during talking to a safety manager, I got wind that in 2017 they will begin random hair follicle tests. I've since stopped smoking and can pass a urinanalysis test but surely won't pass a hair follicle test. If I am selected I am NOT going to accept and will just quit my job.

I am wondering if anyone has experience in getting another job after quitting due to a random drug test at their former job? This current job is my only professional experience in the workforce with exception to a paid internship and various serving jobs. I really need to be able to put this job on my resume in order to get an equivalent job.

I am looking for advice from those who have been in this situation. How did you apply for other jobs? How badly did refusing a random at your previous job effect your getting an equivalent job at another company?

Please don't post a response if you are just going to judge me for smoking while holding a job that randoms. I smoke because my job is incredibly stressful and others get to have their alcohol. I just don't like drinking and would rather smoke. I never smoke on the job and am a wonderful employee out performing all my coworkers in the same position who have all since been laid off in this oil and gas downturn.

Hey brother, you don't have to justify smoking pot

As for hair follicle testing, I'd tell them they're more than welcome to a sample of my ass hair but they have to collect it with their teeth
Look for another job now then make switch before a random maybe
Yeah it is pretty much what I am trying to do at the moment. I really have to keep this job for now though because I really need the money to pay various bills and I would really like to reach 5 years to vest my 401k.
Hey brother, you don't have to justify smoking pot

As for hair follicle testing, I'd tell them they're more than welcome to a sample of my ass hair but they have to collect it with their teeth
I hear ya, but I've read other threads on various forums like this and the first thing people reply is, "hey idiot, stop smoking weed...ever thought of that". Glad you guys are understanding :)
I hear ya, but I've read other threads on various forums like this and the first thing people reply is, "hey idiot, stop smoking weed...ever thought of that". Glad you guys are understanding :)
I was in a safety sensitive job for 35 years and subjected to random drug testing. that made sense. but for an office worker the only thing that should matter is how well you do your job. not what you do with your free time
I work union. I never take a drug test. If there is one thing I know about refusing a test, they have nothing to hold against me that stops me from being hired at another union job.
If you're SURE they will be testing, then start looking for a job now before you are terminated. No telling what a past employer will reveal about why you were let go. That said, @qwizoking swears by some of the shampoo that strips hair, I just don't know how you would overcome the "random" part of the testing, and then moving forward, if you stayed at this job, it sounds like long term would cause you mental distress without smoking dope. (unless you start drinking ;) good luck.
Read somewhere Johnson's baby shampoo and certain other baby products have tested false positives for THC, keep a bottle in your bathroom, play dumb when time comes lol
Are you shure its going to be a hair test as their expensive, most employers opt for urine because its so much cheaper

Yes, unfortunately it was made quite aware they will be doing random hair tests to ALL employees and not just those on the manufacturing floor. If it was just a pee test I could get around that with ease. I have tried the shampoos and what not, but when I paid for my own hair test at a testing center to see if it didn't. So far I've gotten clean and can pass a piss test, and will be looking for a new job once my 401k fully vests in 6 more months. Otherwise I would find a new job now. so far there's been no randoms. If there are none for a while I might just assume my safety manager was just screwing with me.
Yeah it is pretty much what I am trying to do at the moment. I really have to keep this job for now though because I really need the money to pay various bills and I would really like to reach 5 years to vest my 401k.
Then your best bet is to quit smoking and shave your head.

I'm sorry but there isn't a way around it. They're looking to get rid of people. If you don't want to be one of them, do what you gotta do.

Vesting your 401K after 5 years on the job is worth the trouble it takes to protect it.
Yes, unfortunately it was made quite aware they will be doing random hair tests to ALL employees and not just those on the manufacturing floor. If it was just a pee test I could get around that with ease. I have tried the shampoos and what not, but when I paid for my own hair test at a testing center to see if it didn't. So far I've gotten clean and can pass a piss test, and will be looking for a new job once my 401k fully vests in 6 more months. Otherwise I would find a new job now. so far there's been no randoms. If there are none for a while I might just assume my safety manager was just screwing with me.
You know they're testing people specifically to get rid of them before vesting their pension plans, right?
You know they're testing people specifically to get rid of them before vesting their pension plans, right?
Yep, it is what I figured. Test people, fire them, no severance. Bastards.

That said, I'm taking your suggestion and quit in December. So far I can pass the piss test. My hair grows ridiculously fast so hopefully 3 months will do the trick.