this sunday will be the last day before i turn 12/12 so about 8-10 weeks from then should be full harvest so im looking forwrd to then,i think the little clones should do a massive stretch hoping for about a 300mm from there massive 90mm inchs its happend before but i may be wrong they love the co2 thy've been sharing thats about one day on one day off,my power kush bush is exactly that a BUSH i picked two hand fulls of cab out just to get sum air flowing through her and shes still VERY BUSHY.
ive been very vigorous in searching for sign of spidermite (JEWELERS LOUPE)+every leaf and it seems ive eradicated as ive been so hard on it/lucky to catch it so early it all but you never know so im still gonna stick to the neem but only a light mist once a week from now il play it by ear though,my next power kush clone the lankyish front one is going great has about 12 little heads from memory and is loving her training,they aare all slowly getting more bat guano introduced for flower but the 2 big girls are getting 1.5ml of fish emulsion half a ml of molasses 1ml of seaweed and 1ml of bat guano to 1.25ltr bottle i could go more but i dont wana over feed and thats every third-forth day one day to dry out abit HAPPENS QUICK then a fresh dose of water the next,the little ones are using one third those nutes to start with heres the photos

not much to report took two handful's of cab and wee sucklings out from under the canopy of my big bush clone so thoses branches can turn into sum mean head ONE DAY not that any have shown yet ,my clone up front shes going really well growing like mad and trying to head,my two little clones are boosting along well and have finally picked up and started to reach for the light.the co2 seems to be working really well aswell

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well changed the setup today havent taken photos yet but ill get there but i will have sum new additions to the fridge in the next couple weeks my mate gave me sum seed she got as freebies and didnt have any where to grow them atm due to her being a outdoors grower and the season has just finished but im quite looking forward to sprouting them, i got 1 critical+ and 4 blue mystic

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heres afew new pics girls are going well the big bush up back just seems to be wanting MORE AND MORE NUTES LIKE A MAD MANIAC OF A PLANT FLOWERING ATM 5mls of superbloom every 2days and if i let one day slip well the yellow sets in ive maintained the same nitro of 2mls with thats and i have a feeling she may want more ive also started using a 1ml liquid potash and 1ml of phosphate/super bloom guano and been foliar spraying that evry 3rd day god its been full on my before/after work time table been flatout also been trimmimg back the new sucklings comming thru and they been comming thru FAST that extra 25% plus sum that they grow is crazy expecaly when i want that energy spent on the main colas im trying to grow but enough of her,my front power kush/antler clone is flowering beautifuly and my little clone has just showen hur wee head and hairs,the big bush is about 10days in flowering just judging by how far she is,the antlers are 14days but is known to be a fast flowerer lol thats my mean english,and my lil clone is about 7 days HERES THE PICS

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well the girls doing well had a few wee defiences iron and magnesium but have them coverd with iron shelate and Epsom salts but theyre doing great they flowering well my big bush and small clone is starting to head up properly now, my purple power kush has nice thumb size heads ALL OVER its gonna be a great producer heres the pics. oh and they just got foliar feed there neem and lots of other goodies

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girls are alriteand sucking the nutes again havnt found the balance yet for them with that, again my ph is troubling me its up 6-6.8 when the soil is near dry which is great but when i water it drops to 5-5.5 and then climbs back up during the day im hoping thats normal for organic grows ive asked around so hoping to get a good awnser, heres the pics

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and heres my lil clone that i guesed would ruffly get to 300mm and shes at 280mm atm and gona be one big bud i hope!!!!!!20150517_181922.jpg 20150517_181927.jpg20150517_181927.jpg20150517_181932.jpg 20150517_181937.jpg 20150517_181942.jpg 20150517_181946.jpg

heres sum more pics the girls are getting soooooooo stanky now super fruity smelling its half way between a good smell and a bad smell its hard to know if i like it or not lmao,ive also orderd sum new seeds from herbies 12 purple widow 2 free afagan and 1 free northen lights big bud cross in the next 12days they should be here. any way heres the photos

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ok so ive been lazy as fuck on updates but i did my harvest wasn't bad wasn't good but theres always room for improvement but any ways i yielded um 91grams all up the big girlthat was up back did reali well was very happy with her outcome was 52 grams she didnt look much but when she was dry was REALI dense and weighty smoke was very intense to begin with i was told,my next big girl was 27 grams dry that was the purple power kush not as dence but looked alot more than what was there the smoke was quite relaxing i was told GRRRR frustrates me that i cant smoke,last but not least the little girl up front was all of 11 grams dry she was the same as the first big girl i mentioned,bu all in all i learnt much about how organics if got right can re-correct there own ph and if the soil has been done right from the begining thatyou dont get that yellowing or lock outs and so forth but ive learnt and from that other than the finial product i can say ive accomplished alot by learning

total flowering was 10 1/2weeks thatswith alot of set backs

here sum photos of a week before i harvested my phones being a fuck pig and not alowing me to upload properly
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sorry bro lost track of things i think theses are the last pics i got before i chopped,between this batch and my latest batch i just harvested i trialed two thing i didnt use my amino acids last time and used molassies and by jesus she had a good punch to the smoke between these two yellow girls but this time round with my last clone of that power kush/lemon kush i used the aminos and not the molassies but the yeild went super well but the punch of the smoke was gone i was told still good but didnt hit you as hard and fast so im thinking that with the northern lights,purple widow and afgan im cloning now ill be trialing my super grow liquid bat ganuo along side 1/4 the molassies and ozi tonic for veg and for my flower super bloom bat guano,ozi tonic,aminos and molassies hopefully on too a winner there

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Beautiful !
Smoke report ?

cheers man, i cant smoke my self but my mate said the that it was really smooth (no cough) but with a fast onset and got him blazed to the point of kept forgetting to carry on smoking his joint thats about as much as anyone said 1 year left then i can smoke up again