Well-Known Member
this sunday will be the last day before i turn 12/12 so about 8-10 weeks from then should be full harvest so im looking forwrd to then,i think the little clones should do a massive stretch hoping for about a 300mm from there massive 90mm inchs its happend before but i may be wrong they love the co2 thy've been sharing thats about one day on one day off,my power kush bush is exactly that a BUSH i picked two hand fulls of cab out just to get sum air flowing through her and shes still VERY BUSHY.
ive been very vigorous in searching for sign of spidermite (JEWELERS LOUPE)+every leaf and it seems ive eradicated as ive been so hard on it/lucky to catch it so early it all but you never know so im still gonna stick to the neem but only a light mist once a week from now il play it by ear though,my next power kush clone the lankyish front one is going great has about 12 little heads from memory and is loving her training,they aare all slowly getting more bat guano introduced for flower but the 2 big girls are getting 1.5ml of fish emulsion half a ml of molasses 1ml of seaweed and 1ml of bat guano to 1.25ltr bottle i could go more but i dont wana over feed and thats every third-forth day one day to dry out abit HAPPENS QUICK then a fresh dose of water the next,the little ones are using one third those nutes to start with heres the photos

ive been very vigorous in searching for sign of spidermite (JEWELERS LOUPE)+every leaf and it seems ive eradicated as ive been so hard on it/lucky to catch it so early it all but you never know so im still gonna stick to the neem but only a light mist once a week from now il play it by ear though,my next power kush clone the lankyish front one is going great has about 12 little heads from memory and is loving her training,they aare all slowly getting more bat guano introduced for flower but the 2 big girls are getting 1.5ml of fish emulsion half a ml of molasses 1ml of seaweed and 1ml of bat guano to 1.25ltr bottle i could go more but i dont wana over feed and thats every third-forth day one day to dry out abit HAPPENS QUICK then a fresh dose of water the next,the little ones are using one third those nutes to start with heres the photos