Refrigerator Grow room Pic/advice wanted!


I'm looking at doing a refrigerator grow room. Anyone that has refrigerator grow room please post some pictures. Anyone willing to share some knowledge would be amazing people in my book. :hug:


I know! I saw it on a website, but they wanted like $1,800US. Its a cool idea and it looks like a great DIY project. I'm just trying to find someone that has done it before. I'm trying to figure out how to vent without letting light escape. I think thats the only problem with the idea. I'm thinking use the freezer for cloning and the fridge part for veg/flower. I I'm still back and forth on the lighting tho. I still am entertaining the idea of LEDs. I know I know... everyone says it does not work, but the science is there!


Active Member
iv seen some pretty good grows with led lighting they are expensive, but they are energy efficiant and they last for a very long time so im sure they will pay for themslevs over time. and if you are planning on using leds for flower and say cfl or floro for veg you might not even need an exaust


iv seen some pretty good grows with led lighting they are expensive, but they are energy efficiant and they last for a very long time so im sure they will pay for themslevs over time. and if you are planning on using leds for flower and say cfl or floro for veg you might not even need an exaust
Any reason why not LEDs from start to finish? I know I will be using CFL for the freezer part(clones).


Active Member
yea my bad thats what i was tryin to say cfl for the freezer area led should work through the whole grow


I've heard/read exactly the opposite. Check out 206's grow journal it's a great example of LED use.

Good luck!
I'm not saying its perfect, You have to understand that LEDs are still in there infancy. I know they have a long way to go, However to use a combination of CFL and LED sounds like a solid way to go right now. LEDs are never going to get better if people don't try them and see what works, and what could make it better. I look at them like this, The first car only moved a few miles per hour, the first plane only flew a few feet, and the first attempt at space travel blew up on the launch pad. Some time you have to fail a few times before things start to go right. I know a lot of times people get heated at start a bitch fight about this, thats not what I'm trying to do. I just wish people would be open to the idea that this could all of a sudden become the new HPS. I for one want to be on the four front of this. I think I'm going to set up my fridge with the LEDs for the Veg/flower with CFL hooked up but not plugged in. If things start going south then the CFLs come on. If I find that its all a failure. I have a 150w HPS sunsystem that was just bought off ebay so I'm covered. I hope... If all goes well on the first few grows I'll just re-list the 150w. Sound like a full proof plan?


Active Member
Sounds like a pretty solid gameplan. If you can get your hands on it somehow there is a great High Times LED article.....
Light & The LED Zeppelin. It's a great read, Special Collectors Edition Best of High Times Master Grower's Guide 2009. Definitely something you should try to find a copy of, I can't find any online.
What strain do you think you'll go with? Multiple? Indica or Sativa?


Well-Known Member
Ive never seen anything but garbage from LED's. Why bother trying something that doesnt work. One guy had an led over his clones for a month and they didnt even grow except stretch a little. Then when he put the 250HPS on them they finally started making normal progress.

Heres a pic of an led harvest


Well-Known Member
Use the large area for clones and mother under a 250CFL grow light and flower a bunch f little clones in the freezer with 2 ft. warm white t5's. The mothers will get most of the direct light while rooting clones should be getting less. For flowering just find some small containers, 4 inch square would be cool, dont know if they even make those. You should be able to get 3 g's dry from a little rooted clone if your flowering area has enough light and enough verticle room. Whats the dimentions of your freezer? If done right you would take 3 or 4 cuttings every 2 weeks and harvest finished buds every 2 weeks. Acctually as far as the weight goes for a rooted clone put into flowering, Im only speculating but I would say no less than 3 grams dry. And I m assuming that a perpetual harvest is the best way to use a refridgerator. Got any pics?


Active Member
Ive never seen anything but garbage from LED's. Why bother trying something that doesnt work. One guy had an led over his clones for a month and they didnt even grow except stretch a little. Then when he put the 250HPS on them they finally started making normal progress.
Why bother? Well, lots of ideas don't work perfect in their early stages, but there's something very exciting about testing new ground and experimenting with new ideas. And as far as garbage from LED's goes.......

Sorry about the poor quality but that is from High Times best of issue, and if I didn't say those are some of the nicest buds I've ever seen I would be a dirty dirty liar.


Well thanks guys! I have been looking for the old high times issue, Cant seem to find it tho. I dont have any pictures yet. I'm still in the design phase. I'm not sure if I want to pre wire everything for cfl, led, and hps right away. Its alot of money. So I guess i'm still back and forth on the LEd issue. If anyone has pictures of bud grown first hand by LED that would be a big help!