Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

It's a titan atlas-7. Pretty low refills I'm not sure I'd recommend it the button settings make it easy to accidentally miscalibrate the co2 :) Other than that though it's served it's purpose and works fine and wasn't too expensive. I'd rather have one with a digital readout though. i gotta order some more plastic rings the cardboard ones the hydro store has don't seem to work quite as well it seems or maybe it's just me
Just got back... did not end up getting a new light... decided to wait til next weekend after I get paid (even tho I coulda dropped the $$ if I reallly wanted to) that'll give me a bit more time to make a decision on 600w v 1K. I was just gonna go 600w but now i'm thinking maybe it's best just to go big with the 1K... only reason there's a question is electric + not wanting to set up proper venting/add another fan. I think the a/c might handle another 600w... not sure on the 1K... it seems to have no prob at all with the existing lights in there.
Hey Reef, in regards to your clone question, personally I trim the leaves for two reasons. 1) Space. Sometimes you take too many, and 2) it gives me a visual marker as they grow so I can see how much they have grown. My clones root in 6 - 10 days whether I trim the tips or not.

Hope it helps!
Nice air pots ya got there!

Those strains look nasty as well.

Ive been considering ace of spades for an upcoming trial. Never ran any of TGAs stuff but ive seen pretty good reviews.

Obviously you put on a good display of the genetics.

Keep it up!
And now for something completely different...

Exciting announcement at the end of the vid... can you see what it is?

Love the update Reef! Oil should be made today...been super busy weekend! Ol lady is a few cm dilated so been prepping super hardcore for the new arrival. Is this really the 421st video? lol
Wow illtoxic guess i wont be seeing much of u for a bit :)

I cant really discuss in the open because of where i currently live about how but they are being sent to me.

Ive decided w all these strains instead of 6 of one strain every two weeks im gonna pop 3 and 3 of two strains some weeks
Reef do you run 12/12 from seed? i recently just heard of this, and knowing how much seed poppage u do, was curious if you have tried it yourself... Also in relation to a post earlier, Whats an IBL?
No I've never done 12/12 from seed I know someone locally who has there's a big thread on it that's real good to read if interested if you don't know which one i'm talking about let me know i'll post the link :)

First let me say I'm not a breeder so don't go off on me if anything after this is wrong :) This is my understanding. IBL means in bred line it basically means a truly stable strain where if you pop a batch of seeds and get a bunch of males and females and bred them the offspring would be pretty much the same as the original seeds you planted. Basically near the purity of a landrace strain. Breeding an ibl just means continually backcrossing it against the same genetic pool until only the one in bred pheno remains. A lot of people are big on IBLs and don't like the breeders like tga that are focused on hybrid crosses. To me it doesn't matter but you don't hear a lot about IBLs that consistently are blowing hybrids away (at least I don't)... I think there's something to the hybrid vigor argument. If you have a super dank strain and you IBLed it and it was still super dank after you got done making the IBL why wouldn't everybody be growing it even if it was more expensive? Answer: not any more dank than the normal hybrids, just more stable. (last part my opinion :) )
it's two videos combined they both use a lot of the same material if you watch the first part that's like 45-50 minutes you'll get all the useful material that's in the second half :) i'm not really one of those conspiracy theory people but it is pretty interesting
Space Dawgs day 3 - so far so good - seedlings are so easy to fuck up :) Planted a big chernojill cutting today... still waiting on the other 2 but those got taken later. Got more watering to do tonight... may try and take some pics we'll see

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Gonna be some good yielding aces...
TW14 HPS - winner!
Yeah, gonna be some good yielding aces :)
Pulling ahead now...
Falling behind...
LED girls - love the apollo in the lower left
Black Cherry Soda anyone?
The big TW-14 next to the keeper TW3

Chernobyl x Space Jill #3

If you were me, would you continue the HPS v LED TW-14 battle, or put the LED TW-14 under the 1K and see if it can catch the 600 and pass it? Keep in mind I expect those two TW-14s are going to get me by to next harvest if I run out of my big jar of bud :)