Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

Finally got to using the TGA soil tonight... ran through my homemade super soil finally and started transplanting into tga super & base soil... man that is some good shit... :) like velvet i didn't know whether to put a plant in it or bake a cake in it. My spoiled bitches are gonna love it I'm sure :) I took care this time to mark which pots were which as far as SS and TGA soil so if one is clearly better than the other I'll be able to tell... in addition some are going straight into 5 gallons with 2-3" space at the top for a good topdressing 3 weeks into flower... others are going into 2-3g pots with almost all super soil and will be transplanted into 5 gallon pots surrounded by super soil after week 3 of flower. Will have some in tga and homemade for both those as well so going to be fun to watch the differences. I'm still slacking on taking my clones... trying to get all these transplants done first... i'm down to about 9 left, most of which are either probable females or unknowns, so some won't have to get transplanted as i'm sure at least 2 or 3 more will show male. i found one male yesterday, moved that ace that i thought was male back out (for sure male), and found another female.... a few more days and everything should be up in the flower room.... all but those 9 untransplanteds are up in the big room under the HPS + LEDs.
I had wrote the green avengers awhile back trying to see if our state would ever be getting any supersoil and they said they were working on it.I really would like to know how it works in comparison for you reef as its expensive to get some shipped to me but if you have good results with it i may just consider running a batch.
Haha i did in my mouth just a little bit... ;) but I been bored of RIU so a good hate thread gave me something to get interested in on here... as it is i'm about done with RIU and ready to take a break for a bit... always happens during harvest tho... harvest burnout :)

Lol. It's the same dudes hating everywhere lol. Racerboy got a shoutout in Strainhunters last video for hating lol.
I love it man! They get so wound up lol.

And I don't care enough about sub to defend him personally as I dont know him, I just don't like ppl talking senseless shit lol.
And yeah, that harvest burnout...
I can't take it here lol. Which is why i dont have any threads or anything lol.

I've learned the majoriy of what I will, so the know it all thing don't stroke me the right way...
Neither does the hater thing. A hater is nothing more than a weak, jealous man
I had wrote the green avengers awhile back trying to see if our state would ever be getting any supersoil and they said they were working on it.I really would like to know how it works in comparison for you reef as its expensive to get some shipped to me but if you have good results with it i may just consider running a batch.

From what I understand, they will ship whereever as long as you are willing to order a palette worth... so basically you just gotta convince a local store to fork over the $$ to buy a bunch in advance. It's definitely too expensive to ship.
Lol. It's the same dudes hating everywhere lol. Racerboy got a shoutout in Strainhunters last video for hating lol.
I love it man! They get so wound up lol.

And I don't care enough about sub to defend him personally as I dont know him, I just don't like ppl talking senseless shit lol.
And yeah, that harvest burnout...
I can't take it here lol. Which is why i dont have any threads or anything lol.

I've learned the majoriy of what I will, so the know it all thing don't stroke me the right way...
Neither does the hater thing. A hater is nothing more than a weak, jealous man

You got it... can't worry too much about those types...

So I came home to find a county constable business card on my door... nice little adrenaline rush... :) i went ahead and called'em figured they were back looking for the landlord's ex, which was the case... i guess the place dapproimately 25-ish plants within 20' of the front door (males and unsexed)... guess they don't smell too bad there's no particular odor control downstairs... the constable seemed like he could not have cared less about me calling (already got ahold of the landlord) so all is good... one of the reasons i'm looking forward to moving a) to a place i own the land, b) my house is back away from the road...
Just did some more sexin on the undecides... found 5/7 females... so we are up to almost 30 females now. The two that remaining are an ace of spades (surprised it hasn't shown it's fairly tall... the only thing I found that looks like a preflower looks mostly like a leaf bud, could be a male, but hard to tell)... the other is the JC2 twin which is staying super short (still < 8")... I may need to move it to a bigger pot just so it can stretch some roots a bit... I may do so tonight if I have soil left over.
after seein yures i'm sold on that super soil,hava couple bags give to me gonna givem a whirl,great job on the grow,glad everything worked out well.
making it homemade is cheaper... but the prebagged stuff seems to be very nice quality.... will see if prebagged is better than homemade this run got a bunch in the tga soil now and all marked so I can tell the difference... crowded up in that flower cab good thing I transplanted most into 2-3g for the rest of veg as 5g would not leave enough space for all... it's going to be a BITCH doing those double 12/12 shifts in about 3 weeks... but should be worth it as long as I get my CO2/environmental back up to optimal... and usually past the 100 days after august (the next few days may be an exception)...
yea mine were homemade batches that a grower friend of mine maxe and said always more from where that come from,lol,cant turn that down..yea its a hot bitch here to today,lol.
If he did a good job you'll love it i'm sure... I get my best yields with super soil. Make sure you keep enough to topdress 3-4 weeks in otherwise they may peter out too quick 2nd half of flower, but sure your bud knows how to use his mix the best :)
he swears by it, was funny after I posted I use nuthin but happy frog then my friend showed me 55 gal drums of homemade tga super soil and offered some to me,lol..I thot about yu and yure grow wen he offered it.
Haha yeah that's some big barrels I just use 25g trash cans :) I'm up to 5 now tho ;)

Just did the math... I need to get these girls into flower in 2.5 weeks on the 16th... homegirls haven't even been topped yet... looks like no mainlining this time... looks like it's either gonna be single cola, topping for dual colas, or LSTing... what to do what to do.... damn scheduling...
That's a lot of soil,will watch those clones play through,sounds like another successful gro.will be watching.
Reef I say leave them go natural and pinch the stems if one gets unruley. That way u can see how each one would truly wanna perform. Plus if u gotta have them in flower in 3 weeks I would want all the growth possible
After watering'em last night I think I'm going to top one that's tall and stretchy single cola... the rest are pretty uniform size so I may let those go natural...