Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

Cool and how was the smoke?

Good idea Bubba I hadn't even thought of a light mover... I am actually thinking I'm probably just going to use the 600w I have for this flower since I gotta put money into an ac and I want to make sure I get a good one of those the cheaper one seem to all be pieces of shit. Also probably better to make sure the a/c can actually handle an extra 600w + LEDs in there before buying a 1K -- I can always add the 1K later and keep the 600w going too ;) We'll see it gets up in the lower 80s in the daytime hours even with the door and house ac going so I can't add any more lighting until then.... that being said hooking up ac and a new light will probably be this weekend's project since it's best to do them at the same time since the exhausts have to hook up to the same panel at the window. There's a decent chance I end up with a 1K in there this weekend too.. you know me.
Is penny wise not out yet? I need a road trip to Cali to get a cut or two from the cbd project list
Reef, our set ups are similar... yours being about 5x the number of plants, but watts/plant we are probably pretty close. What kind of yield per plant do you normally get? I know it's strain specific, but on average what would you say. I just harvested and got right at 600g wet weight per plant. The experienced folks that have been advising me say that cured out I will end up with 10% of the wet weight. So about 2 oz per plant. Growing in 5 gallon air pots, but I did not scrog. I was hoping for more yield, but maybe this is normal? You've been growing with LEDs longer than me, hoping you can share your experience.
2z is what I averaged on the last run. I probably would've gotten more if I had time to let'em go longer. They often will swell up after you think they are done. My yields are also a lot better using super soil. 5 gallons are great but you gotta really let the plants grow in and work to thicken the stems up (trying to this run) so they can put on weight and support it. I had several things I know I could've done different last time to get more that mostly didn't get done due to rushing and having to cut early. Hoping to bump up to 3+ avg this run. 1.5-2z seems to be pretty average for most smaller indoor grow plants. I've had plants over 4z and had one 3.5z this last time so it can definitely be done with these LEDs it's just a matter of getting everything dialed in as much as possible.
2z is what I averaged on the last run. I probably would've gotten more if I had time to let'em go longer. They often will swell up after you think they are done. My yields are also a lot better using super soil. 5 gallons are great but you gotta really let the plants grow in and work to thicken the stems up (trying to this run) so they can put on weight and support it. I had several things I know I could've done different last time to get more that mostly didn't get done due to rushing and having to cut early. Hoping to bump up to 3+ avg this run. 1.5-2z seems to be pretty average for most smaller indoor grow plants. I've had plants over 4z and had one 3.5z this last time so it can definitely be done with these LEDs it's just a matter of getting everything dialed in as much as possible.

Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear, means I did ok :blsmoke: . Next run I will top early and scrog. I noticed that the branches that got light up close from the LEDs developed dense as hell buds, otherwise where they got mostly T5 light they were kind of airy, so next time an even canopy will be my goal. I'm hoping one of the phenos I just harvested is high CBD, if not it looks like nice smoke, frosty....
Yeah low profile plants and an even canopy are essential if you want to get solid yields with LEDs at least the 3ws due to penetration. You get a lot better penetration with the multiple light setup though.
bubbagineer, it's around 25%, not 10%. I used to divide the wet weight by 4 all the time and it was pretty accurate, ... now I dont care! My best plant with LED (or any other lighting..) was Agent Orange, 5.5 oz 12/12 from seed. I should say my biggest yielder not my best plant... still pretty good though!!
AO definitely supposed to be a good yielder. I'd love to try it for the yield + oranges but it's way down my list due to the potency, although i hear there's a very dank pheno

Damn I need to get on making some space cake.. got free tickets to World War Z screening tomorrow night... gotta stand in line... shit I really should make that cake tonight, starve myself and then load up on cake before the movie :)

Stopped by the hydro store... got a pint (!!) of superthrive, some organic foliar spray for this next 2-3 weeks of veg to hopefully speed'em up a bit and some panda sheeting to sheet the frame up with...

Got 5 left to transplant... but only 4 5 gallon pots left... i'm gonna put one in a 3.4 gallon pot
Damn Reef!!!! I love the new cab you have there! Still on post 1 but it looks wonderful! Those CJ's are sure looking good :D
Heya again Reef.... been reading more so I just want to chime in again. I would have to vote for the 1k HPS but seeing a CL vs Blackstar comparison would be awesome as well. I was always interested in those CL's if I did do a LED grow rather than a HPS/MH...If that Swerve fella was actually able to copy the GSC cuts it would definitely be epic to have some GSC around. Though I do understand that it is a very small yielder. maybe do a purple phan cookie vs a cc gsc.... That Cindi 99 is a plant of stories! C99 would be epic... Though a OG is definitely the crème de la crème..OOO and the sour kush ... LOVELY STUFFF.
Good to see you stepping up your game dude.:leaf: Heads up, there's a little Timewreck pheno talk in my tent thread. Id like to get your input.
Still got 3 plants to transplant... this is my 3rd night working this week, and the other night I made a road trip to houston and back after work... it's been a crazy week... i still got 2 or 3 plants other than those 3 to transplant that need to be tied too. Gotta take a few cuttings this weekend but I gotta find a new permanent clone chamber first. Also need to mix a couple of cans of super soil this weekend... i should clear out almost all I have available in the last transplants. The soil from last harvest is too fresh to reuse yet I need to amend it and water it.

Yeah I grew a sour kush before that turned into an epic bush and was going to be crazy in flower but had to cut it early before the flowers were really smokeable.... looked like it was going to be the bomb.

I think I have decided this run to just go with 600w HPS and get a hood and fan that will take a 1K upgrade later... I gotta get the a/c in too shit I really need to do that this weekend but I may have to order it to be delivered I don't think they'll have the one I want locally probably. A/c is definitely needed it's getting up in the 80s there in late afternoon -- i'm turning the lights off now 2-6pm to give it some cool off time but there's no way I can add any more light in there without extra ventilation.
You sir have a busy weekend ahead, I'm planting 50 clones on Saturday after I get the male out and wipe everything down. He sure blew his wad the other day, got all 3 females and I have dust to do some crosses down the road.
Got a few more to tie down, but they're all transplanted... starting to come together :) I may have to harvest that chernojill pretty soon done or not to get the space back for the rest... it's going to be pretty tight in there this round. Got some that look very well prepped even right now to go to flower... others definitely need a couple weeks... but they all need it regardless for the root growth prior to flower. Part of me wants to go ahead and put co2 in there... part of me doesn't want to influence these guys to stretch too much... maybe next weekend when there's only a week left to flower. I think I'm single handedly keeping some paper clip companies in business... I just went through another 200 pack... hard to believe there's 400+ paper clips in there keepin' it real.

Got the lights all adjusted finally :) Already running out of room... bother...
Runt pheno chernojill... if I'd kept a clone, I'd call her TinyTrain! She just keeps chugging her fade's picking up steam I think I'll pull her in about a week.... she definitely added some beef to those curtains this week. She's probably the overall frostiest pheno from this run... will suck if she's the best smoke, but at the slowest veg i've ever had and this being probably around 11 weeks in for her (i think) not really a keeper pheno in that sense... she does not share the lime candy smell of the others... she is some pure funky monkey gym socks curl the hair out the inside of your nose goodness... reminds me a lot of the funk that my Sensi Stars had but not quite as over the top. I sense that this one may get kept for head stash... ;) she looks like she'll be somewhere between 1 and 2 oz. She could have a hermie seed or two in her from the CCM trannie that seeded itself I'm hoping not though... so far nothing else appears to have gotten seeded by that shemale.

TimeWreck #14s in flower... they showed this week finally... I'm going to go ahead and transplant them into some 2 gallons surrounded with modified super soil mix so they have enough food to finish flower and a little room for roots. They also get dry too quick in these little pots... i'm kind of regretting throwing these guys into flower instead of getting rid of'em now.

All my timewreck cuttings seem to have preflowers with trichs on'em... you can see the bloodwreck influence in the stems on this one too :) I'm not sure if this is normal for cuttings since I have only ever gotten one to flower before and had to cull that one.. i don't recall it having frosty trichs in veg.
if you were to put the smaller container in the middle instead of the edge they wouldnt dry so quickly. it's going to get too crowded :eyesmoke:
They're on the edge because they're getting moved in and out of the cab every 12 hours :) I might do some rearranging though... but yeah I can never seem to get enough grow space somehow.... probably because I always have way too many plants.. I already got rid of over a half a dozen cuts.. .maybe closer to a dozen... i'll have more room after this run I'm going to make a choice on which timewreck pheno (or two) to keep. May only ending up keeping one as they smoke pretty similarly but we'll see how second run goes I really hope something clearly stands out... and I hope that one is the biggest yielder ;)