Red Wave 2022

it's in the automotive department, comes in pink, blue, and rainbow colored bottles.

Let's talk about republicans coping with the midterm news....
Beau has a very good point...the only reason the democrats are doing so well this year is that the republicans have handed them a win on a fucking platter, and that platter has the image of trump engraved on it.
this would be a VERY good time to work on a platform that is actually attractive to independents, and address some of the issues that are on peoples minds, border control, crime, inflation...if the democrats can do something about those things, go into the 24 elections with tangible achievements in hand, they can get another 4 years. if they go in with what they have now.... :(
Trudeau did give us super low pot prices! It retired me too, not even worth growing it to smoke it. High THC has value for some reason, I ran across a gram of Government dope for $32 a gram over 30% THC! Natives sell ounces on the res here for $40 to $60 and they say it's pretty good dope. An ounce of 23% THC government NSLCC bud costs around $125.
I have no clue what the THC % is for reserve pot. But compared to dispensary stuff it’s as good or better IME. I don’t buy it other than to make gummies and for my partner who likes it. I do buy concentrate every few months at 60 for a 5 gram vial, it’s good lol. When I was working we bought brick for $150 bulk and sold it for $600-$1000 per lb x 5lbs.
LB’s for $200! That’s crazy. Wish it was like that around here, I wouldn’t grow it anymore. I ran a perpetual grow for a couple of years and I still have lots and since I give a lot away, I’ve scaled way back. I just have 4 plants I start from seed and after I start curing, I pop 4 more beans. Compared to the perpetual grow, it’s almost no work at all.

There’s a dispensary in town that sells an Oz of alright stuff for $100 but most charge more, $10 a gram. Mine is still better though. Better buzz, better taste, properly cured and I know what I’m smoking.
Next time your down this way stop at Tyendaga (Deseronto). There are at least 25 weed stores and they had OG, blue dream and like 6 others for $200 in vac packs.

Trump Embarrassment: GOP-Hyped Red Wave Crumbles As Dems Demolish MAGA Extremists

886,611 views Nov 10, 2022
The midterm election results show Democrats outperforming history and Republicans blowing the kind of midterm opening that has won the opposition party 50 or 60 seats in other years. MSNBC's Ari Melber reports on how the so-called "red wave" was fueled by echoing a misleading, corrupt disinformation campaign peddled by right-wing operatives and how stoked expectations made extreme candidates seem more mainstream.
OK... Im not an expert...or even a novice when it comes to election, and politics, but why do the Dems only need 1 seat for senate? Don't be hating' on my lack of knowledge.
With the vice-president Kamala Harris’ being the tiebreaking vote, Democrats can retain control of the Senate by winning either the Nevada race, which remains too early to call, or next month’s runoff in Georgia. Republicans now must win both those races to take the majority.