red spider mites


Active Member
I have a red spidermite infection spreading fast. I ordered neem oil and pyrethum spray. I remember reading somewhere about increasing my co2 till it makes it toxic to kill bugs will it work with out harming my cuttings and the mothers that are in my phototron. I have converted my tron to a drain and flood wich works real good. Any help i will be grateful. My co2 does not use a moniter device i just used the co2 calculator. My cuttings are dying and have never had a problem in 20 years


Well-Known Member
most bugs/ insects cannot live very long once the CO2 is in the range of 4000-7500!! never tried it but have heard it doesnt hurt the plants!! jump it up for about 2-3 hours and the will all suffocate....jus make sure you take care of the larva !!!
I tried the co2 and it did not work for me. I might not have had it high enough for long enough. If you have a small sealed room the best thing is the hot shot pest strips from lowes.


Active Member
i will cover tron with plastic garbage bag and pour the co2 to it and continue neem and pyrethum and try the hot shot strips