Red Rover - A Real Bud?


My friend said he copped a quarter of some bud called red rover. He said it got mad hairs and it's fluffy. Selling it for $100 for a quarter.

I was trying to get it down to $80 for s quarter, and I probably could have but he's a good friend so I didn't wanna seem stingy.

I'm new to toking thats why I'm asking this question.

Never heard of Red Rover, is it real? I'm from NYC if it matters.

Im guessin it mite be the street name, n it might actually be called something else.

Generally, red buds are a better high right?

Lemme know peeps.



Well-Known Member
psh, you never know if it's gonna get you helal higher or not based off of color.

visuals hardly represent what the high of the bud truly represents . . . only the user can report back what the high is like.


Active Member
Yeah man I know hes your friend but a dealer will tell you anything to peak the interest.


Active Member
Juat check the bud out man, if it looks like quality bud then pay the price, to me for quality bud is worth every cent I pay over getting mids or schwag