Weed weed everywhere but not a joint to toke
dude that terrbile never heard of such a thing from cannabis, lets just hope its not herpiesOk so I just smoked weed for my first time like 5 days ago and now I got this
really bad red rash, it's like bumpy and it is on my neck, across my nose ,on my chest and on my penis and scrotum. I don't know if I'm allergic or something but help, if it's the weed tell me cause my mom wants to take me to the docters and get tests done, and if I go they will probably see the THC that's in weed and tell my mom that " your son is allergic to ( chemical), we also found thc which is from marijuana" then I will get bitched out and never be allowed to go to my friends house again!
Ok so I just smoked weed for my first time like 5 days ago and now I got this
really bad red rash, it's like bumpy and it is on my neck, across my nose ,on my chest and on my penis and scrotum. I don't know if I'm allergic or something but help, if it's the weed tell me cause my mom wants to take me to the docters and get tests done, and if I go they will probably see the THC that's in weed and tell my mom that " your son is allergic to ( chemical), we also found thc which is from marijuana" then I will get bitched out and never be allowed to go to my friends house again!
Doctors are not narcs, they're bound to confidentiality unless you admit to crimes against others. Even then, most doctors probably don't want to deal with it. You can tell them you smoke weed. They probably do not really care anyway, they're just trying to do their job.
It's all good, it was poison ivy/oak I guess...... Thank you to all that answered seriously, to the ones that were joking around f you
this person calls himself "mr. Marijane", he smoked it for the first time 5 days ago, now he's got a painful scrotum ailment and he seeks advice on a grow forum..... Possible i suppose
i'd say they need a good tea bagging, that would cure it.