red Phosphorus


Well-Known Member
i was given a baggie of the stuff from a grower that quit, he said it worked great and talked about how awsome it was but negected to tell me how to mix it up with water. anyone able to tell me how to use it? thanks a ton
has nobody used this as a nute before? iv tryed looking on google but most results seem to be about making meth not using it as a fert, see some stuff about how it can be used as a fert but not the mix / water dose
has nobody used this as a nute before? iv tryed looking on google but most results seem to be about making meth not using it as a fert, see some stuff about how it can be used as a fert but not the mix / water dose

I'm no expert, but i do know that if you heat red phosphorus in the presence of moisture, you get phosphane gas... which is super lethal. don't kill yourself bro. do all the research.
dont mix water and red phosphorus... not only to you get an explosive reaction, but as mentioned above, it will release phosphine gas, which is lethal in concentrations as low as 50ppm and explosive. So if you dont blow your self up, you will kill yourself instead! funstuff!

there is an early episode of "Breaking Bad" on a&e that shows what happens when red phosphorus is combined with heat and water....
i dont know much about it but in college we had some scientist come into class and he was doin cool stuff with different chemcals. he didnt bring red phos cuz he said it was too dangerous but he showed us a video of a bomb he made with it and man it looks like some crazy shit. i would say dont use it...
It is true that red phosphorous is used in the making of most known ferts but by itself is not a fert and the process is extensive (if you research it, you'll see what I mean)

It is commonly used in the manufacture of Methamphetamine

I could find no relationship with it being used on plants?
Very odd... There's a little spoon thng in he baggie maybe I'll try mixng it with a gal of water and running away to see what happens, then feeding it to a clone or somthing. The way he was bragging bout it tho... At any rate thanks for the advise ppl
ok after thinking about htis all day i couldent think of any good reason for sobody recomendng the use of this stuff, or claiming to use it himself based on what you guys have said. so i spent some more time on google and all the suden got the bright idea of just doin a image search on it. ya, this does not match the results by looks by any means. what i have is MUCH more pink colord. no picture i found on google resembles what i have so that leads me to think its simply a high phospherus fert he had but couldent remember the name or somthing so just called it that or any number of reasons for calling it that. and as we know that in n-p-k the p is phospherus it must simply have a higher middle number the the other 2. so its most likly a bloom nute. i may try it out on one plant later on just for fun but since it has no lable or anything.... ill be hesitent to use it. maybe 1 scoop per gal wouldent hurt on one just starting 12/12 and compair it to another i start at the same time without it. again thanks for the replys, without the warnings about its danger i wouldent have thought to do i image search and figure out what i did. plus rep to patdaddy for the first reply/warning.