Red / orange pistils



Hope somebody can help me out abit my plants are 5 weeks old 2day. They are white dwarf auto fems everything was going along ok until i seen the new pistils growing out orange please let me know what ye think the problem is ?

Is red pistils a problem ? Its only in the new growth overnight ?:wall:



Well-Known Member
That looks wicked, Couldn't give you a definitive answer but that's so nice looking!
Only 5 weeks old? Where you get the seeds?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I think that's pretty normal fopr a preflower.unless you got males around I wouldn't worry about it.


I think that's pretty normal fopr a preflower.unless you got males around I wouldn't worry about it.
No males around all fems , the showed signs of nute burn last nite so i gave them a good watering with no nutes taught it might be related to that.


That looks wicked, Couldn't give you a definitive answer but that's so nice looking!
Only 5 weeks old? Where you get the seeds?
Big buddah for the seeds the rest of the growth looks pretty healthy check out my grow journal for pics week by week up until today


Everything looked ok until those red hairs popped out over night ,funny thing is it was in the same place on all 4 of my plants see pic below of flowering



Lads if you can see right down at the end of the picture where the orange pistil is growing there is a swollen green ball which has grown on all four plants over night. First the red hairs then these im getting paranoid that my females are changing sex , am i just paranoid over it been my first grow or does everything look ok



Well-Known Member
did you do anything recently that might have stressed the plant to change it to go hermy? and id keep an eye on it but I think just the hairs might be naturally turning color


did you do anything recently that might have stressed the plant to change it to go hermy? and id keep an eye on it but I think just the hairs might be naturally turning color
I seen signs of slight nute burn the night b4 those hairs popped out


That also happened to mine yesterday shot out overnight. My friend who knows alot says they are turning hermaphrodite. Look at the crevices and watch out for little sacs growing I found three the same day they had not opened yet it will pollinate the crop. I do not know what to do myself but I am looking at them every few hours to not let one grow and open. If a few more pop out removing so as not to ruin my other plants. If you find any info let me know.


That also happened to mine yesterday shot out overnight. My friend who knows alot says they are turning hermaphrodite. Look at the crevices and watch out for little sacs growing I found three the same day they had not opened yet it will pollinate the crop. I do not know what to do myself but I am looking at them every few hours to not let one grow and open. If a few more pop out removing so as not to ruin my other plants. If you find any info let me know.
Panic over there flowering like mad now. All females its hairs coming out of all the little sacks
She's just maturing...telling you she wants to flower soon. Nodes are developing. Keep an eye on your nutes...going overboard can stress a plant.


Thanks everybody great to see the respone , thanks for helping out a newbie:bigjoint: