red mites in supersoil

No fruit?

That's absolutely crazy!! I use tons of fruit.... lemons, limes, watermelon, strawberries, pears, apples... I can't think of any fruits or vegetables that I wouldn't throw in my worm bin. Worms love it all:)

I mean why even have a worm bin unless your going to put fruit and vegetables in there?
The only reason, that it can think of, for anyone to have a problem with fruit is if they had a poorly designed worm bin. I've used several different worm bins. The larger they are the better they work. I've been using two 65 gallon Geo pots the last couple of years and they work really well.
Old thread lol. They are just composting mites, I got mine from my composting worms. As long as they don't compete with your worms or you get over run by them you don't have to worry. Never use any kind of fruit if you don't know where it comes from, you'll be asking for all sorts of problems. Don't even do organic fruit, most listed organic are just gmo seeds that follow as close to regulation as possible and in turn could kill or slow down your microbiol life.
man you are beyond paranoid..
I use the bejesus out of fruit..
What do you compost then if you are afraid of things like that?
A wormbin with just paper scraps is far inferior to a fruit or veggie based bin.
but I respect your decision on the matter, I just don't agree on the premise but that's all good
man you are beyond paranoid..
I use the bejesus out of fruit..
What do you compost then if you are afraid of things like that?
A wormbin with just paper scraps is far inferior to a fruit or veggie based bin.
but I respect your decision on the matter, I just don't agree on the premise but that's all good

I grow my own alfalfa, kelp, barley, oats, hops, have chickens I slaughter for feather meal and 50+ eggs a day and fish, I live right on Lake Huron. Have 3 bat houses, I'm a beekeeper of 1 queen, constant turkeys, rabbits and deer out here and feed them daily. You should see them when a hard winter hits, the turkeys eat right out of your hand when they can't find what I laid out. I'm biodynamics and I'm strict about growing indoors and outdoors even have a clean room before my inside entrance. You can call me paranoid or a perfectionist. A lot of store bought fruit is bad and hold residual amounts of pesticides. I have my own apple trees, and cherry trees, raspberries and 2 acres of strawberries that is constantly rotated every year so I do use fruit in my outside compost. plus my hoop houses thrive year round. All I say is be careful and make sure you know what you're buying.
I grow my own alfalfa, kelp, barley, oats, hops, have chickens I slaughter for feather meal and 50+ eggs a day and fish, I live right on Lake Huron. Have 3 bat houses, I'm a beekeeper of 1 queen, constant turkeys, rabbits and deer out here and feed them daily. You should see them when a hard winter hits, the turkeys eat right out of your hand when they can't find what I laid out. I'm biodynamics and I'm strict about growing indoors and outdoors even have a clean room before my inside entrance. You can call me paranoid or a perfectionist. A lot of store bought fruit is bad and hold residual amounts of pesticides. I have my own apple trees, and cherry trees, raspberries and 2 acres of strawberries that is constantly rotated every year so I do use fruit in my outside compost. plus my hoop houses thrive year round. All I say is be careful and make sure you know what you're buying.
Gotcha, I thought you didn't use fruit in your bin... that would have shocked me.
I misunderstood you...
Sounds like you are living the dream man