Red Hair Skunk #1 DWC 1000 watt hps + soil clone First Grow!


Active Member
Alrighty guys some of you may have seen my NL x HAZE clone that I had under a 2ft 20w fluoro that went nowhere so I finally got my new grow room up and running.

I also planted 4 seeds into a 4 gallon res. DWC tub. 2 Fire Red Hair Skunk #1 from amsterdam seeds. and 2 bag seeds. I soaked the rockwool in regular tap water pH'd at about 5.0-5.75 for about an hour :/ I was waaaay to eager to get these babies going. Does anyone know if this will effect the sprouting in any way? I havent added any nutrients to the water yet just normal tap water at about 5.75-6.0 pH.

The clone is still going just not moving very fast (this is the second day under the new light) i'm still feeding in the veg stage with the 5-1-1 fish emulsion. every day or as needed.

Any help on what to do is greatly apprectiated this is my first grow and i'm pretty new at this. Thanks guys.

Oh yes, I am a prop 215 sb420 qualified medical marijuana patient just trying to get meds more affordable. now the pics :]

Quick question, does anyone know if me setting the light timer for 18/6 will effect the germination of the seeds? Also, that soil clone has been under a 20w fluoro for almost 2 months so i'm scared the 1000 watt shocker her. we'll see. thanks guys.


Active Member
new pics and update tomorrow. clones looking very healthy and i sectioned off the room more to reduce light leak. I also moved the fan closer. Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW how long does it take seeds to germinate in rockwool?


Active Member
no i did not. my friend germinated a seperate seed in a paper towel and it already started to sprout. these bitches have been in rockwool for 2 days and i havent really seen anything.


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no one likes the new guys :\ i shoulda posted in the grow journal spot but I thought i'd get more help here.


Active Member
well I guess no one likes me or something but heres an update for the hell of it.

My baby, NL#5 x Haze (is she ready to go into flower or should i give her alittle more time?)

Me and another patient fixed the room a little trying to reduce light leak and focus more light to the babies.

Let there be sproutage! I planted 2 red hair skunk #1 seeds from amsterdam seeds and 2 bag seeds, this is one of the bag seeds hes just itching to grow.

and a little peak from outside the room :]

now does anyone wanna give some feedback? lol

pH is running from 5.5 to 6.0
temp (no thermo but definately in the 70's)


Active Member
any advice guys? I'm using Fish emulsion 5-1-1 for the clone for its nitrogen and for bloom have a schultz plant food 5-15-5 or something like that. I have not yet added nutrients to the water when should I? Also how often do you change reservoir water?


Active Member
does anyone know if going from a 24/0 lighting schedule to a 18/6 will effect anything? i really want to throw this bitch into flowering but need to think of some sort of alternative to get these seeds veging while my clone is in flower. any cheap advice guys? im open to anything.. dont be shy!!


Well-Known Member
you could put the clone at 12/12 if you wanted to, expect it to almost double in height in flowering. and for the fun of it, if you didnt have any other lighting for veg on the 4 seeds, you could do 12/12 all the way on those as i've seen a few growers here do so.


Active Member
thanks jaydro. I just might have to try that...

Do you know if all of the seeds have to be fully sprouted before i switch to 12/12 all the way through?


Active Member
you dont want to throw any clones under a 12/12 light cycle unless you want them to start budding, If i wanted seeds to sprout I would leave them on a 24/0 light cycle to speed up the vegging. hope this helps. also from your pictures it looks like the light is like 4 ft above, you might want to move the light within a ft of the plant, it needs as much light as you could give it, just make sure the temp stays around 75, also you need steady airflow to strengthen up the stem.


Active Member
thats what i was thinking i have a fan blowing on it 24/7 a strong one. i have fully re-arranged and lowered the light now it is sectioned off into a corner of the room to focus the light in one area it is also about a foot or 2 lower than in the picture. pics tomorrow!

ps: im taking your advice bigbudz im going to leave the clone vegging with the seedlings for a while longer to ensure that shes ready for flower shes looking mighty healthy too loving the nuts and nitrogen (i think she needs more but her soil is still quite damp)


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and here we are for the update that no one really cares about! :]

The light is much closer than before

shes lovin it (2 rust/burn spots on one of the leaves) is this bad?

and again

bag seed 1

bag seed 2

1 of the Red Hair skunk #1 seeds germinated but hasnt poked her head up yet.. the other is chillin lol. The clone seems to love the light but has 2 noticable rust/burn spots on its leaves.


Well-Known Member
looks good, will be nice once everything starts filling out. it kinda hurts my heart right now to see all that light on one plant. keep the pics coming! have you thought about training your plant to optimize all that light thats wasted? i think ScOG would work if you start FIMing soon, or even just tie branches down to the sides. a 400w or 600w would save you electricty and give you the same results with what you have going right now. anyways good luck brother man. God bless everyone!:peace:


Active Member
thank you for the reply :] This is my first grow so i dont want to start by killing off a bunch of beautiful plants.. so id start small. I really like Caligrown's journal of 20 clones. I'm keeping an eye on his and am going to go through with my first from seeds and see what I like better. A few different co-ops are aware that I'm starting to be a Caregiver and want to see what I can do for patients so if all turns out well there should be more to come. I also have another patient friend that is helping me on these guys so with his rec and mine that = 12 mothers and 12 clones I believe. We'll see how it goes. I'll look into ScrOG but theres something about me that just wants to let it grow natural. Should i start to tie her down already before flower?


Well-Known Member
thank you for the reply :] This is my first grow so i dont want to start by killing off a bunch of beautiful plants.. so id start small. I really like Caligrown's journal of 20 clones. I'm keeping an eye on his and am going to go through with my first from seeds and see what I like better. A few different co-ops are aware that I'm starting to be a Caregiver and want to see what I can do for patients so if all turns out well there should be more to come. I also have another patient friend that is helping me on these guys so with his rec and mine that = 12 mothers and 12 clones I believe. We'll see how it goes. I'll look into ScrOG but theres something about me that just wants to let it grow natural. Should i start to tie her down already before flower?
ive had no hands on experience myself so take whatever i say with a grain of salt. ive just done alot of reading on the ganja because i like to smoke and this stuff is pretty kool. but im sure that you can start tying it down at any point in the game as long as they are above, ohh idk, say 12 inches or so. i think the objective is to get as much of your light to be absorbed by the plant(s). if your growing only one plant than im sure you could even get away using a 250w light. someone on here was saying they they harvested 8 ounces or so from a 250w lamp(over a 2 month period i think he said, he was probally starting off with able clones though and not from seed.). keep in mind though that this guy had some hands on training and knew exactly what to do.
"me on these guys so with his rec" thats what you said. i forgot if you said they were clones or not, but dont call them guys, its just bad luck i think if your starting from seed. lol.
"hould i start to tie her down already before flower?" you should try and use up all the light you have on your plants, so yes start doing whatever it takes asap. from the picture i saw it looks like you are using 10% of your light, if not less, and the rest of your light is acting like a space heater for your room because your not optimizing it. if you wan to let them be natural then look into SOG(sea of green)
anyways these are just my humble opinions and you can do whatever you feel free to do. but im trying to clean up my subscriptions so you can PM me if you have anymore questions. good luck, and hopefully you will be a good caretaker and you buddy can help you get a green thumb.


Active Member
update 2/8

notice the rust burns i'm talking about ^^^

becoming quite bushy

i changed the water in the DWC and i dont think i added enough I checked it today and the roots looked a bit dry so i added more water. pH is at around 5.75-6.25 and temp in there was around 78* all day. I went in there early and noticed the temp in the high 90's!!! a hot one today for a winter day so more ventilation is in definate need! especially if we want to add a veg room/flower room.



Active Member
one of the DWC seeds isnt doing to well (bagseed luckily) i had the water down way too low so it wasnt getting sufficient water. Can anyone tell me if I put the clone and seeds into a 12/12 cycle to flower the clone if anything would happen to the seedlings? any help is appreciated. Also how much of the roots should be touching the water? it seems to love it went they are dipped in it.