red flag


Active Member
anyone know whats a red flag with your electric bill? i have 3 tents with a total of 3000 watts from LED lights and fans havnt set it up yet but will this raise my electric bill alot?


Well-Known Member
depends,are you in a tiny studio apartment? it will. if your in a 5 bedroom 3000 sq ft house, then no. rule of thumb is 1000watts of light per bedroom is no problem.


Well-Known Member
you talking 3000 LED watts or 3000 equivalent watts? LED's traditionally draw 10x less power vs their incandecent equivalent, so if thats 3000 equivalent watts, you will only be drawing around 300 watts, which is like running 3 100watt light bulbs, so probably a $20-$40/month increase in power :D


Active Member
It's 2750 of led lights ad a prob a couple Hun in pumps and fans? If that's the case I can keep expanding:). Slowly Offcourse!