Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I have gotten used to organics not always being the most fragrant of practices, but urine is crossing a line to me personally. Once a year outside by a fruit tree or whatever, no hassle, but for any kind of container I shudder at the thought...EDIT: some of you guys might find this interesting, but you now get Spinosad in tablet form for your dogs. It keeps ticks and fleas off them for six weeks. Our Aussie has a flea allergy so it has been a helluva battle she can't handle one. In desperation I finally tried this stuff, man, is she a happy doggy. First time in her life her skin is perfect. Considering using it for our other dogs, keeping them clean can become a serious labor in summer...
Lmao, I totally agree, especially with the once in a while outside, not inside. I get some looks from the GF with some of the stuff I do. Pretty sure she'd think I'd lost it if I started peeing on my plants.

Interesting about the spinosad as well! Who would have knew it could work that way?!

Tea Tree soap is great for keeping dogs pest free and it smells great!

My father would use cow piss to fertilize the lawn back in the day. Big old bottle of Cow Urea! Grass loved it. Instant nitrogen.

Seems like piss would have too much salt in it.
Lmao, I totally agree, especially with the once in a while outside, not inside. I get some looks from the GF with some of the stuff I do. Pretty sure she'd think I'd lost it if I started peeing on my plants.

Interesting about the spinosad as well! Who would have knew it could work that way?!

AHH, yeah, the looks I get from my girl... my teas especially... "so you are making special water for your plants?!"--- "yes darling"--- "and you are feeding them rotten pieces of other plants?"--- "yes darling"---- "and now you are making something with your worms?"=== "yes darling"---"why are you giving them molasses?"-- "whats the aloe for"--- "why are you bubbling it for so long?"
I gotta school that pretty girl on some stuff...
AHH, yeah, the looks I get from my girl... my teas especially... "so you are making special water for your plants?!"--- "yes darling"--- "and you are feeding them rotten pieces of other plants?"--- "yes darling"---- "and now you are making something with your worms?"=== "yes darling"---"why are you giving them molasses?"-- "whats the aloe for"--- "why are you bubbling it for so long?"
I gotta school that pretty girl on some stuff...
Lmao! I have to give my girl mad props. She puts up with all kinds of crap becaue of the grow room. Everything from me saying, I'll be right there... 2 hours later lol! To me covering the washing machine in plants and dirt, etc. The teas, bokashi bucket, worm bin... Damn, as I'm talking, I'm thinking I need to go grab her some flowers and make her dinner, she deserves it!


Lmao! I have to give my girl mad props. She puts up with all kinds of crap becaue of the grow room. Everything from me saying, I'll be right there... 2 hours later lol! To me covering the washing machine in plants and dirt, etc. The teas, bokashi bucket, worm bin... Damn, as I'm talking, I'm thinking I need to go grab her some flowers and make her dinner, she deserves it!


Ahh yes... get her flowers and make her dinner... In my humble humble opinion... girls that get spoiled....tend to return the favors....
Lmao! I spoil her often. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. I know how that works! ;)

a wise wise man once told me, "you buy her chocolates, and flowers, and lingerie to get her to be your girlfriend, right? Then you damn well better KEEP doing those things to KEEP her"
same wise man that once said, "you want to be a good lover? OK, then go as slow as you possibly can, and then cut that pace in half"
Tea Tree soap is great for keeping dogs pest free and it smells great!

My father would use cow piss to fertilize the lawn back in the day. Big old bottle of Cow Urea! Grass loved it. Instant nitrogen.

Seems like piss would have too much salt in it.
I am allergic to tea tree. It sucks. I have seen the stuff cure damnnear anything to do with skin. Not me, I get a lovely rash.
So I spent a little while going through this thread. The conversation seems to drift a lot. I have a few questions.
Has anyone done a yearly cost analysis?
The root core that you pull up when you no till, is that recycled somehow or just tossed? could i throw it in a sock and use it for a ACT?
For me time is money/free time. All the teas, and foiler feedings, top dressings, is cost, time, complications, and resources. Not as bad as other grow methods, but something to consider. So is there a method that once my soil is mixed i can do one or the other? are any required?
I am in 12 3.5 gallon straight perlite hempys. (8 in bloom 4 in veg) My overhead is low in the medium. i lose a cubic foot per year in perlite. So i spend $16 for super coarse perlite a year. I dont really believe in all the bloom additives and all that so i keep it simple in my nutrients of a tsp each of AN 3part Ph Perfect per gallon every other watering rooted clone to harvest. I dont monitor my ph. And I flush each plant in its last 1.5 weeks. I spend $45 shipped every other month for the nutes. spending in total $286/year in nutrients and medium.
With ROLS-noTill, can I improve on that?

In total I will cut the number of blooming plants to 4, up my pot size to 7 gallon fabric pots. Im a vert grower. so ill be vegging them untopped to 2-2.5 ft with a final bloom height of 4.5 to 5 ft. I will also have 6 cuttings in 2 gallon transplant fabric pots.
Giving me a total of 40 gallons or 5.3 cubic feet. Id make 6 total. So after all my pots are filled, ill have roughly 5 gallons left of the soil.
Im all about just growing for me. So keeping the month to month cost down is what Im looking for. And not having the need to dispose of used root balls from FFOF every 60 days was also important to me. Hempys have been a winner winner chicken dinner for me. but im all about that room dialing. If i can lower my yearly cost and have organic buds that would be icing on the cake.

WTF with the food refrences, im stoned.
So I spent a little while going through this thread. The conversation seems to drift a lot. I have a few questions.
Has anyone done a yearly cost analysis?
The root core that you pull up when you no till, is that recycled somehow or just tossed? could i throw it in a sock and use it for a ACT?
For me time is money/free time. All the teas, and foiler feedings, top dressings, is cost, time, complications, and resources. Not as bad as other grow methods, but something to consider. So is there a method that once my soil is mixed i can do one or the other? are any required?

Sounds like you've got a nice low effort system sorted already. Kudos - I love seeing growers eschew the bullshit and keep it fucking simple :)

For the stump&rootball, ideally just it leave in place and smack the next plant in next to it. Healthy soil consumes all dead roots within a few weeks and the stump will soon fall and rot down amongst the mulch. The stump is not waste - that's free fertilizer ;)

Proper living soil will definitely give your plants better terpenoids and not need flushing, and it really doesn't need all that much ongoing help. ACT are unnecessary once the soil biology is working well - maybe useful when establishing fungal and bacterial populations in new soil (a lot of the no-till gurus don't bother with them at all and just use plain compost/EWC as a topdress). Top dress foods only when the plants show they want it, or once per cycle. No teas are really necessary if your soil is good - but I recommend occasional malted grains or sprouted seeds for the massive enzyme boost, and Coot's favourites of fulvic & silica, and neem etc for IPM

The biggest problem is getting good compost and/or worm castings. Ideally your own - which takes time and space, but at zero ongoing cost which is nice. PITA to setup, granted.

Assuming you have an established grow and access to your own free compost and EWC, there's no way you'll spend $280 a year on nutes for a no-till ROLS garden. That's my reckons ;) - I'm slowly getting all my stuff sorted. It is a lot to buy at first - my missus has perfected her eye rolling whenever I announce the weed garden needs a sack of rock dust, or hardwood charcoal, or neem granules, or gypsum, or...

If you have an outdoor garden you can grow a lot of your own inputs like comfrey, and plenty of people scavenge their own rock dusts, kelp and crustacean shells, charcoals etc
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Sounds like you've got a nice low effort system sorted already. Kudos - I love seeing growers eschew the bullshit and keep it fucking simple :)

For the stump&rootball, ideally just it leave in place and smack the next plant in next to it. Healthy soil consumes all dead roots within a few weeks and the stump will soon fall and rot down amongst the mulch. The stump is not waste - that's free fertilizer ;)

Proper living soil will definitely give your plants better terpenoids and not need flushing, and it really doesn't need all that much ongoing help. ACT are unnecessary once the soil biology is working well - maybe useful when establishing fungal and bacterial populations in new soil (a lot of the no-till gurus don't bother with them at all and just use plain compost/EWC as a topdress). Top dress foods only when the plants show they want it, or once per cycle. No teas are really necessary if your soil is good - but I recommend occasional malted grains or sprouted seeds for the massive enzyme boost, and Coot's favourites of fulvic & silica, and neem etc for IPM

The biggest problem is getting good compost and/or worm castings. Ideally your own - which takes time and space, but at zero ongoing cost which is nice. PITA to setup, granted.

Assuming you have an established grow and access to your own free compost and EWC, there's no way you'll spend $280 a year on nutes for a no-till ROLS garden. That's my reckons ;) - I'm slowly getting all my stuff sorted. It is a lot to buy at first - my missus has perfected her eye rolling whenever I announce the weed garden needs a sack of rock dust, or hardwood charcoal, or neem granules, or gypsum, or...

If you have an outdoor garden you can grow a lot of your own inputs like comfrey, and plenty of people scavenge their own rock dusts, kelp and crustacean shells, charcoals etc
Thanks, but yeah 280 a year is to much imo lol. Im frugal. If i can top dress with vermicompost and just water the plant start to finish and save money im in sweet organic heaven.
Awesome about the root ball. I hate having to throw things away unnecessarily.
I was thinking a worm bin. Had one as a kid. I would think i would make enough to top dress 4 plants every other month.
"malted grains or sprouted seeds for the massive enzyme boost, and Coot's favourites of fulvic & silica, and neem etc for IPM" Yep just glazed right over all that. Is all that stuff for teas? Damn we just threw some manure and a shovel full of the dirt we"re growing in and brewed that. You got a whole list of things. Lists costs money. lol
I have been thinking about planting some Aloe for my clones.

does anyone plant any micro grass or ground moss or something around their plants to keep the top of the soil from drying out under hid lights? Ive seen just using like barley, straw, or rock.
Thanks, but yeah 280 a year is to much imo lol. Im frugal. If i can top dress with vermicompost and just water the plant start to finish and save money im in sweet organic heaven.
Awesome about the root ball. I hate having to throw things away unnecessarily.
I was thinking a worm bin. Had one as a kid. I would think i would make enough to top dress 4 plants every other month.
"malted grains or sprouted seeds for the massive enzyme boost, and Coot's favourites of fulvic & silica, and neem etc for IPM" Yep just glazed right over all that. Is all that stuff for teas? Damn we just threw some manure and a shovel full of the dirt we"re growing in and brewed that. You got a whole list of things. Lists costs money. lol
I have been thinking about planting some Aloe for my clones.

does anyone plant any micro grass or ground moss or something around their plants to keep the top of the soil from drying out under hid lights? Ive seen just using like barley, straw, or rock.

Cover crops clover n such yes most do it
hahahaha, ahhh yes, but not the "keepers"... but yeah, I gotcha there. Good point indeed
i think what grease is trying to say spoil him and you can keep him he will treat you right. He will def keep your stomach full and balls empty thabks for that grease it was good. NO HOMO.....