Recovering mother


Well-Known Member
hey all, my plant was getting messed up due to some ph fluctuations and possible nute burn. i started watering with just bottled r/o rather than the tap. what i have now is a pic of most of the yellow leaves( plucked em all off) and a pic of the plant.

Can anyone tell me if i should stop with the plain r/o and start back up with the miracle grow all purpose?(thats all im going to use for this mother.) i think its showing Nitrogen deficiency but i honestly have no experience with deficiencies so any help is much appreciated.

P.s. shes only being grown under 2 27w cfls 24/0 and sometimes sun until i get my room set up, but this thing was a foot tall in january!


Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Srry no one has posted to help you out and i will do my best to help so i need a little infot o make sure my guess is right here. what r your ph levels. and i would use RO water. how often are you feeding her? once you answer above i will be able to help u :)


Well-Known Member
Srry no one has posted to help you out and i will do my best to help so i need a little infot o make sure my guess is right here. what r your ph levels. and i would use RO water. how often are you feeding her? once you answer above i will be able to help u :)
before i was using tap and sometimes phing and sometimes not. now im using straight r/o water and have been for a couple waterings with no nutes. ill update with its its ph later, but for now i guess it stabilized and i just wanna know if i should start using nutes again.


Well-Known Member
yes but give it 50% and then in 3 days 75% and then what u had it at in another 3 days and you should be good :) take it slow and give the plant time to see what the plant thinks about all this mmkay


Active Member
I cant comment with r.o water ? But to me the plant look over fed rather than under. Rinse it with water and mesure the e.c of the run of, if it,s high give them a good watering leave 3 to 4 days then start on a reduced e.c, if it,s low then up the e.c hope this helps ? TCD


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. but one of you is saying over fed the other is saying use nutes! who do i believe :P


Well-Known Member
I say slowly introduce nuts again to see if it is nuts causing the problem or if it was your ph flucuation (as u stated above) slwoly adding nuts is great because u can read the plant to see what it thinks. Slowly introducing nuts to the plant will help since u have flushed the plant already so now u need nuts since u flushed it meaning u flushed all the nuts and stablalized the plant.


Well-Known Member
check ph of the runoff. if its off by more than .5 (less then 6.3 or higher then 7.3), then water more.

if ph is ok, id start using nutes again, next watering.