Recovering from over-watering, seedling turning white


Active Member
PH of the soil should be fine. The plant is now 1 week old and looks like this:

At 5 days old she looked like this:

I guess she's finally starting to recover from the overwatering and grow a little, but she's turning progressively more white. It also appears that her leaves are cupping towards the light.

I'm thinking the soil i'm using is just too rich and burning the plant, but I can't find another picture of a plant this young with the same symptoms.

Any insight from experienced growers?
It was originally in a tiny pot, but I repotted her into a 1gal 2 days ago, she was already whitening before the repot. The original medium was "Wonder Soil" http://christophererle.writersresid...riginal/Wonder_Soil_Study_Book.pdf?1362585957

I think it's page 11 of the pdf that shows how much faster turf grows in it than scotts or Pennington, which makes me think it's too rich, but I don't know what nutrient burn looks like on a plant this young.

Here's more pics from this morning. I'm happy she's finally really starting to grow, but turning white is concerning me :/


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It was originally in a tiny pot, but I repotted her into a 1gal 2 days ago

:shock: Why did you transplant an already overwatered seedling, which hasn't grown any roots yet, to a 1 gallon pot?! You just put the last nail in the coffin!

How often & how much do you water?
Well it was initially overwatered when the seed was planted. It's been watered twice since it sprouted, and I've been watering it with less water. I accidentally knocked it over one day and about an inch down it was all roots. It actually has a boat load of roots for being so tiny, I guess that's what it was doing its first 5 days of life while it had no above ground growth.

Anyway I repotted it in 3 parts each of coco/perlite/composted manure and 1 part worm castings with a hand full of dolomite lime and azomite. Since the repotting about two days ago it has started to grow vertically.