Record Wasn't Really Expunged, Can't Join Navy


Well-Known Member
I had heard that the military can see even your misdemeanors(i have 2 for simple. poss. in South Carolina) but i never wanted to truly believe it. My first arrest i went through PTI, paid an expungement fee. 2nd time I got a lawyer and she made a plea bargain with the judge for me to go on 6 months good behav. then clean. Did all of that..I had wanted to join the Navy for the SEAL program for over one year and most of that was spent in limbo.

I was on and off with toking the whole year, waiting on word from my ASVAB score, waiting on the police record check my recruiter was doing at the time. He calls me today, a month after he said he'd made the inquiry, and says I won't be able to join the Navy, just like that. There's a lot i haven't explained, like how drawn out the yr had been waiting on word of things, lots of inbetweens..anyways this had been my dream. To become one of the elite spec ops, to travel, experience things, gain skills, work with comrades and maybe actually make REAL friends, the whole military experience and more with the SEALs. I had even left my old gym of four fucking years to go to the YMCA to use their pool to start practicing the combat swim stroke the SEALs use. Dreams shattered..because i was in the wrong place and time with 5 grams of dank(7g the 2nd time i got arrested)

Now i have to try the for the Army, and if they dont take me then damn, no one will. My question is if the Navy won't take me for a misdemeanor or 2..will the Army? I mean i wouldn't mind writing a letter to get a waiver if possible, i'll do anything. But i tell you what im not gonna do, take out loans and go back to college so i can pay back interest for the rest of my life. This was part rant, part question, part hopeless search for a chance that i may still be able to join the military. I know most of you would say ..''.......suck it up and go to college'' but i tried that at USCS for 2.5 years and it didnt work out, i hated it, felt i wasnt ready to put in the effort of hours nonstop studying. I need to be outdoors and active, i want to see the effin world. I've been stuck in SC for 11 years and i've wanted out ever since my family moved here from MD. If anyone out there has a similar experience with trying to join the Navy or military in general let me know.


Well-Known Member
My twin brother tried to join special forces/rangers and was all set to go, he went through the physical and got a 97 on the ASVAB which is an amazing score. They basically said he could do anything he wanted, but at the end he got denied because of a criminal mischief and disorderly conduct charge. Back in the day, felons could get into the army but last year the army had 110% of their recruiting goal. It is similar for all of the branches, and unfortunately they can be picky at this point. After getting denied for the army, my bro tried to get into the navy, air force and even the guard and none of them took him. I am sorry to hear about your predicament, and unfortunately at this point in time i think you are out of luck.
On a side note, i feel like it was a good decision for him not to join the army. I have met many, many veterans who are in their 20s and are fighting serious phsycological issues due to their service. The pay is awful, the benefits are awesome. The only way i could see it being a good deal is if you take a noncombat position and let the army pay for your schoolhing.
Many of my friends had big dreams exactly like yours, they thought it would be fun to be in combat, explore and see what its like in iraq or afghanistan. The "cool" factor disappeared when they first saw someone die or had to shoot someone. A good friend of my family was a ranger for six years and chose not to resign. He said everyone turned to something when they were in iraq, many of his friends were hooked on drugs or alchohol, he turned to god and is now a minister.
Bottomline, the military is not for everyone, perhaps this was a blessing. I do not know how old you are, but in a few years when the economy improves (hopefully) recruiting numbers will be down and you may get an opportunity after you are more mature and ready to make a decision.


Well-Known Member
what are you doing in roll it up if you're saying you want to be a Navy Seal????

you know the NAVY doesn't just do a background check... this isn't pizza hut...

it's like this:

The navy is made fun of for being gay b/c it's the best military organization. if you want to be a meathead, you go to the army, if you want to be a pilot, you go to the airforce, you don't have any idea what to do?? you go to the marines.

the navy seals is the cream of the crop.... to get into the navy seals you dn't just apply to the navy.... you have to be a military man with proven phisical and mental qualities. the navy then goes on to do a thorough background investigation, looking into your past, looking at anybody who might have been near you that's in the military, goes to their home, asks them the types of questions that makes ppl uncomfortable.... they probably checked out your grades, your family history, everything, and then went on to decide....

if it really was your dream to be a navy seal, you'd be in the program already, b/c the navy seals are less than .001% of our population. you don't just have to say you want to be a seal, you go become a seal.... if you don't cut it, so does 99.999% of the US population.....

you had to talk to your recruiter about your record before even attempting to join...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I think you actually have to go get it taken off your record even though it was part of the deal. I'm not sure talk to a lawyer or the court or something nd see what you need to do.


Well-Known Member
I had heard that the military can see even your misdemeanors(i have 2 for simple. poss. in South Carolina) but i never wanted to truly believe it. My first arrest i went through PTI, paid an expungement fee. 2nd time I got a lawyer and she made a plea bargain with the judge for me to go on 6 months good behav. then clean. Did all of that..I had wanted to join the Navy for the SEAL program for over one year and most of that was spent in limbo.

I was on and off with toking the whole year, waiting on word from my ASVAB score, waiting on the police record check my recruiter was doing at the time. He calls me today, a month after he said he'd made the inquiry, and says I won't be able to join the Navy, just like that. There's a lot i haven't explained, like how drawn out the yr had been waiting on word of things, lots of inbetweens..anyways this had been my dream. To become one of the elite spec ops, to travel, experience things, gain skills, work with comrades and maybe actually make REAL friends, the whole military experience and more with the SEALs. I had even left my old gym of four fucking years to go to the YMCA to use their pool to start practicing the combat swim stroke the SEALs use. Dreams shattered..because i was in the wrong place and time with 5 grams of dank(7g the 2nd time i got arrested)

Now i have to try the for the Army, and if they dont take me then damn, no one will. My question is if the Navy won't take me for a misdemeanor or 2..will the Army? I mean i wouldn't mind writing a letter to get a waiver if possible, i'll do anything. But i tell you what im not gonna do, take out loans and go back to college so i can pay back interest for the rest of my life. This was part rant, part question, part hopeless search for a chance that i may still be able to join the military. I know most of you would say ..''.......suck it up and go to college'' but i tried that at USCS for 2.5 years and it didnt work out, i hated it, felt i wasnt ready to put in the effort of hours nonstop studying. I need to be outdoors and active, i want to see the effin world. I've been stuck in SC for 11 years and i've wanted out ever since my family moved here from MD. If anyone out there has a similar experience with trying to join the Navy or military in general let me know.
It may not be the military you want right now. Work hard and do something that tickles your pickle until you figure out what you need. Laps in a pool is good but you wouldn't have been smoking pot at all had you been truly serious. Wrong place at at the wrong time twice, maybe, but in the eyes of the judge it means you didn't learn your lesson the first go around. That also means you're close to being a habitual "user" in the eyes of the government. It might not be very easy to take care of things and then join the military just like that. Depending on how old you are they may not even consider you as a candidate anymore. Good luck and hope you get your ducks in a row.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Dude i always wanted to join the Marines, but i was denied for similar shit, which i wont go into. Always wished i could have joined. Now i'm too old, even if they would let me.

I got another purpose in life now, and that's just how life works. You make plans, and life changes them.


Well-Known Member
what are you doing in roll it up if you're saying you want to be a Navy Seal????

you know the NAVY doesn't just do a background check... this isn't pizza hut...

it's like this:

The navy is made fun of for being gay b/c it's the best military organization. if you want to be a meathead, you go to the army, if you want to be a pilot, you go to the airforce, you don't have any idea what to do?? you go to the marines.

the navy seals is the cream of the crop.... to get into the navy seals you dn't just apply to the navy.... you have to be a military man with proven phisical and mental qualities. the navy then goes on to do a thorough background investigation, looking into your past, looking at anybody who might have been near you that's in the military, goes to their home, asks them the types of questions that makes ppl uncomfortable.... they probably checked out your grades, your family history, everything, and then went on to decide....

if it really was your dream to be a navy seal, you'd be in the program already, b/c the navy seals are less than .001% of our population. you don't just have to say you want to be a seal, you go become a seal.... if you don't cut it, so does 99.999% of the US population.....

you had to talk to your recruiter about your record before even attempting to join...
i can be a stoner and have ambitions, that's why i want to join the SEALs. Partly to prove that i can smoke at one point in my life, and become something great the next. not that being a stoner isnt a great point in any1's life, it's just sometimes the scenic route to nowhere u know what i mean?. I am in good physical health, that of a varsity athlete at least(not size but endurance.) I seriously feel motivated enough to beat BUDS training and beyond, but apparently i won't get the chance.

My twin brother tried to join special forces/rangers and was all set to go, he went through the physical and got a 97 on the ASVAB which is an amazing score. They basically said he could do anything he wanted, but at the end he got denied because of a criminal mischief and disorderly conduct charge. Back in the day, felons could get into the army but last year the army had 110% of their recruiting goal. It is similar for all of the branches, and unfortunately they can be picky at this point. After getting denied for the army, my bro tried to get into the navy, air force and even the guard and none of them took him. I am sorry to hear about your predicament, and unfortunately at this point in time i think you are out of luck.
On a side note, i feel like it was a good decision for him not to join the army. I have met many, many veterans who are in their 20s and are fighting serious phsycological issues due to their service. The pay is awful, the benefits are awesome. The only way i could see it being a good deal is if you take a noncombat position and let the army pay for your schoolhing.
Many of my friends had big dreams exactly like yours, they thought it would be fun to be in combat, explore and see what its like in iraq or afghanistan. The "cool" factor disappeared when they first saw someone die or had to shoot someone. A good friend of my family was a ranger for six years and chose not to resign. He said everyone turned to something when they were in iraq, many of his friends were hooked on drugs or alchohol, he turned to god and is now a minister.
Bottomline, the military is not for everyone, perhaps this was a blessing. I do not know how old you are, but in a few years when the economy improves (hopefully) recruiting numbers will be down and you may get an opportunity after you are more mature and ready to make a decision.
yessir, my uncle went in the army on bad wheels(drugs, criminal record), served 20 years...i hope you're right about the enlightenment when actually in combat cuz right now i feel desensitized enough to not squirm at killing a towelhead and seeing guts. We'll see how the army goes, i will try them later this week.

It may not be the military you want right now. Work hard and do something that tickles your pickle until you figure out what you need. Laps in a pool is good but you wouldn't have been smoking pot at all had you been truly serious. Wrong place at at the wrong time twice, maybe, but in the eyes of the judge it means you didn't learn your lesson the first go around. That also means you're close to being a habitual "user" in the eyes of the government. It might not be very easy to take care of things and then join the military just like that. Depending on how old you are they may not even consider you as a candidate anymore. Good luck and hope you get your ducks in a row.
Working hard i do, finding something i enjoy is another story. Takes 4+ yrs of college or me actually joining the service for me to do something that i enjoy. Getting arrested made me want to smoke even more, i researched marijuana laws like a mofo and wrote a speech on why it should be legalized for a class even. Damn this judicial system for it is beyond flawed


Well-Known Member
Such suckers....They dangle that free education, adventure, macho bullshit and career path garbage all up in your face to make you want to join......Give it a pass dude, unless of course you want to be one of the guys holding the gun on your fellow Americans while they are locked up in Internment camps for what they think or say or maybe even grow, or perhaps one of the pilots who shoots cameramen and journalists.....Do you really want to be the enemy of the people man?.....Stick it to the man:finger::cuss:

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
My buddy could not get into the marines due to his tattoos (flames on his forearms) but the army had no issues with him as he was going in to be a mechanic.


Well-Known Member

Such suckers....They dangle that free education, adventure, macho bullshit and career path garbage all up in your face to make you want to join......Give it a pass dude, unless of course you want to be one of the guys holding the gun on your fellow Americans while they are locked up in Internment camps for what they think or say or maybe even grow, or perhaps one of the pilots who shoots cameramen and journalists.....Do you really want to be the enemy of the people man?.....Stick it to the man:finger::cuss:
haha don't worry, if they try to make me do something i didn't sign up for il let it be known whether it be dishonorable discharge or neglecting duty/orders coming my way.

herb's the word

Active Member
well if you don't want to pay for college, check out the apprentice school for the newport news shipyard in va. The shipyard is owned by northrop grumman, which is a big corporate technology based business that mainly works on military stuff. its bassically a job with a school with set raises. you work in the yard on different projects, like aircraft carriers (new construction and overhaul) and submarines. then you go to class all in the same day. so you get payed to work and go to class 40 hours a week + OT depending on project and the need for.

herb's the word

Active Member
just make sure when you fill out the paperwork for investigation, tell the truth about any charges that you have 7 years back. doesnt matter if the judge says it will be off your record in a year, the ncis investigator WILL find it...

herb's the word

Active Member
and if you want anymore schooling afterwords, the have tuition remburstment. so you got a job, making bank, gettin skooled and then graduating at around $23 a hour. probably more than that depending on what year you grad. im an apprentice grad and graduated at 21.86 an hour but that was a year and a half ago. so we have cost of living raises every year so it keeps going up and up. you start out around 14 an hour now, back when i started it was 11.45. so its a great opertunity. your bassically working for the navy but not in the navy...


Well-Known Member
if u lied about it on your application they wont take u.
u have to be upfront about it.

they can get waivers, but if u come in as a integrity violator .... u wont be let in


Well-Known Member
I have a question: As someone who uses marijuana, why the hell would you ever consider joining the military in the first place?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. I could never be uncle sams peon for that kind of pay.
My thought process was more like this: "Bullshit Middle Eastern Conflicts are bullshit. Using marijuana helps people see bullshit, this is 1 of the reasons why Nixon hated it. So someone that uses a plant their government constantly lies to them about and would love to throw them in jail for many years over, wants to join that governments military and fight in bullshit conflicts?