Reconditioning Nutrient Enriched Perlight


Active Member
I have a friend who gave me 4 bags of Miriclegrow Perlite and noticed that it's enriched with nutrients so I decided to flush each bag with 10 gallons of water. I figured the Nutrient was sprayed on or powder based and that it should rinse out fairly easy.

In the event there are nutes left it seems they are very weak and shouldn't cause a concern but am not sure so I am asking if anyone has had issues with this type of perlite.

If I was ever purchasing perlite I would make sure it is clear of additives but free is free so is this usable to me? Any thoughts or input?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
A good soaking in large amount of water should do the trick. I always use perlite without additives. I grow in 80% perlite and 20% vermiculite.


Active Member
Hempy buckets all the way with str8 perlite...I used MG perlite last time and just filled the bag with water and let sit for awhile then i used with no ill effects that i could tell..Good luck..


Active Member
Thanks for the input, I figured it should be fine and if I didn't get all the nutes out it shouldn't be an issue because the nutes are weak to begin with.