Recommend a TDS PPM Meter with large (mountable) Display?


Well-Known Member
I am looking to find a device with a probe that can be kept in my reservoir and tell me the nutrient solution PPM at a glance reliably, and ideally without need to calibrate.

I have been using a small Pen made by Xiaomi which has been working great and reliably and does not need to be calibrated ever. However the display is waaaay too small and dark (especially when hoping to see clearly when testing deep in a reservoir)!


Well-Known Member
BlueLab Guardian Monitor... super reliable and the PH probe can be changed out.... mine has been running nonstop for 3 years.... easy to calibrate also


Active Member
Yes blue lab is the way to go. I use the hand help combo but the couple people I know w larger grows use the guardian. I love mine. The pH probe replaceable. I had my last one for 9 years. Replaced probe twice i think.


Well-Known Member
Since I am doing drain to waste and working with a pH-perfect nutrient, I dont really worry about the pH meter/monitoring. I am mainly concerned about the TDS ppm. Therefore I dont wanna splurge 400$ on the awesome Blue Lab.

Seeing as the small Xiaomi pen costs just 15$ and works perfect, but suffers from a really small form factor.

For now, I've just ordered this EC meter which hopefully will satisfy what I need!!!!!