Recomend Nutrients


Well-Known Member
i have been told by 2 friends who swear by advanced nutes..that they have had a million dollar challenge to any competitor for a couple years one has won that challenge. what say u?


Well-Known Member
Yo wolverine, did you have problems running coco in with the hydroton? I'm in flood/drain buckets and wanted to add something for a little better mychrizal habitation so I threw about 20% perlite in there. I was worried that the flooding and draining would leach coco out of the mix and make a mess.
Oh, sorry for the mixup man, I was just saying what I'd do if I were the OP. I've only run coco on its own. The thing about perlite is it actually doesn't support micro-life, because it's virtually inert. You'd be better off mixing coco croutons and just trying to have a good blend of different size material in your mix, that's what some of the high end mixes are doing nowadays. As far as leaching out of the pots, that's why I like smart pots, you can flood all you want, nothing makes it out other than water/nutrient solution.


Well-Known Member
I say that AN is like Nike, they spend all their money on advertising. As you can see, it is quite effective. They are quality nutes for sure and people get great results. Are they the "best nutes"? Maybe. Are the ridiculously overpriced? Yes. Can you get the same results with other nute llines? There are many out there that do. I think if you look at many of the guys that have been growing for quite some time or those that obviously know what the hell they are doing and have journals to prove it, are not on the AN band wagon.

honestly, its more about grower skill and environmental control than it is about what brand your using (to a point). your time is probably better spent researching hoods, fans, and climate controls.


Well-Known Member
i use botanicare line. works great, just starting to use cana terra for first time. so far its great. if you can afford it. yellow bottle is awesome. i have a couple buddies who have been using it. one of just finished his first grow. the other has done quite a few. we all did the same same strains. the batches that used yellow bottle were unbelievable. i couldn't believe those were the same strains. i want to try it but its so expensive. they have a bloom for each 2 weeks. 2 of em are $75 a quart and the other 2 are $125 qauart so its almost $400 for just bloom.. but the results are wow!


Well-Known Member
I say that AN is like Nike, they spend all their money on advertising. As you can see, it is quite effective. They are quality nutes for sure and people get great results. Are they the "best nutes"? Maybe. Are the ridiculously overpriced? Yes. Can you get the same results with other nute llines? There are many out there that do. I think if you look at many of the guys that have been growing for quite some time or those that obviously know what the hell they are doing and have journals to prove it, are not on the AN band wagon.

honestly, its more about grower skill and environmental control than it is about what brand your using (to a point). your time is probably better spent researching hoods, fans, and climate controls.

im still not clear why no other company would choose not to beat them publicly and take that prize. i do not use an too pricey for me.. i get decent results while spending probally 1/3 price...but i would someday like to try an and see what all the talk is about


Well-Known Member
I've used GH flora "Lucas Mod" + CalMag + SuperThrive + Kool Bloom for a while. Works excellent for both soil or hydro. I'm giving a try to AN Sensi formula for this batch, and while I'm still on vegetation, the plants are growing faster and look way greener and all in all healthier than with my old recipe. I'm gonna try their blooming products soon and let you know how it goes although I get the feeling they'll kick ass, if I get some Voodoo juice, big bloom, overdrive and candy bud. I'm sure nothing can go wrong!

What's really appealing to me about AN is less res changes (2-3 weeks), and the PH buffering, if that stuff really works then I'm sold

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
i have been told by 2 friends who swear by advanced nutes..that they have had a million dollar challenge to any competitor for a couple years one has won that challenge. what say u?
I don't think anyone would argue that Advanced aren't great nutes. But, so are Botanicare, GH, Cutting Edge...just to name a few. If you look at what AN spends on advertising it's easy to see that the premium they charge for their nutes is not for what's in the bottle. Nutrients aren't rocket science. Basically, any complete hydroponic solution can give you great results. Most of the respected companies have dialed in the formula pretty good. I've tried at least 6 different hydroponic solutions and guess what? With the exception of one that didn't do too well, all of them performed the same. This included AN. I chose Cutting Edge because they hardly advertise at all (more $$$ into the bottle), they are inexpensive, simple, and in all growth phases contain lots of K (I believe many nutes are a little low on K).

I believe that the reason no other company wants to participate in Bg Mike's Million $ challange is because there would be no winner. Both companies have nutrients that give the plant what it needs, nothing more. Once you get a good solid nutrient, your time is much better spent on perfecting your lighting, atmosphere, and canopy structure. Believe me, the grow room with perfect lighting, temp, and humidity, using a basic quality nute will kick serious ass over a room with with less than perfect lighting, temp, and humidity, using every high dollar bottle of snake oil AN sells.

I imagine that any time now an Advanced Nutrient Shill will be on this thread pushing the product. I'm just suprised it hasn't happened yet.


Well-Known Member
What's really appealing to me about AN is less res changes (2-3 weeks), and the PH buffering, if that stuff really works then I'm sold
How can a product be formulated for less frequent rez changes? You change your rez to ensure that the solution does not become imbalanced due to the differential plant uptake rates or certain nutrients. When the ratios of certain nutrients gets out of whack say lots of phos in relation to calcium, then one of the nutrients would get locked out. This process is called nutrient antagonism. While not such a big problem in veg (I do balanced top offs and let my rez go for a month), shit happens fast during high performance flowering.

You can only put X amount of nutrients in a formula with X ratios between the different nutrients. Uptake is uptake. I see this as a bullshit advertising. There are way too many variables involved. What if I have a 10 gallon rez for 20 plants? 100 gallon? The nutrient depletion rates and rez change requirements would be dramatically different.

Anyways, just trying to explain a hydro truth. It matters 0.0% to me what other growers are using.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
How can a product be formulated for less frequent rez changes? You change your rez to ensure that the solution does not become imbalanced due to the differential plant uptake rates or certain nutrients. When the ratios of certain nutrients gets out of whack say lots of phos in relation to calcium, then one of the nutrients would get locked out. This process is called nutrient antagonism. While not such a big problem in veg (I do balanced top offs and let my rez go for a month), shit happens fast during high performance flowering.

You can only put X amount of nutrients in a formula with X ratios between the different nutrients. Uptake is uptake. I see this as a bullshit advertising. There are way too many variables involved. What if I have a 10 gallon rez for 20 plants? 100 gallon? The nutrient depletion rates and rez change requirements would be dramatically different.

Anyways, just trying to explain a hydro truth. It matters 0.0% to me what other growers are using.

Well said, Legal. There's just some things that there's no getting around. I hate to say this cause it makes me feel "stagnet", but I think all the really big break throughs in hydro solution have already happened. It seems that some nute companies dream up a new "ground breaking" discovery every month or so. They seem to fall into 2 categories: the nutrient solution that now has so much cool stuff in it you can't fail, and the latest additive that you add to that 'complete' solution. I mean, if the Ultra Bud Pump Turbo Dank bloom formula is so great, why do I have to add Tastie Treat, Bud Expander, Tricome Tickler, and Rasta Resin to it? Because they've ran out of real stuff to sell. How many different ways can you package 13 elements?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Maybe Bike Mike's minions will see this and report back to him. I'm sure they have a running list of names for the next formulation of P and K. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
How can a product be formulated for less frequent rez changes? You change your rez to ensure that the solution does not become imbalanced due to the differential plant uptake rates or certain nutrients. When the ratios of certain nutrients gets out of whack say lots of phos in relation to calcium, then one of the nutrients would get locked out. This process is called nutrient antagonism. While not such a big problem in veg (I do balanced top offs and let my rez go for a month), shit happens fast during high performance flowering.

You can only put X amount of nutrients in a formula with X ratios between the different nutrients. Uptake is uptake. I see this as a bullshit advertising. There are way too many variables involved. What if I have a 10 gallon rez for 20 plants? 100 gallon? The nutrient depletion rates and rez change requirements would be dramatically different.

Anyways, just trying to explain a hydro truth. It matters 0.0% to me what other growers are using.
Actually I couldn't be more agree on the hype advertising, I really looked into the subject and noted some of the things you're saying. I've never done hydro thus it can be a little intimating and these are clearly newbie traps. I mentioned longer res changes because if you're using Voodoo Juice you have to leave it for 3 weeks in order for the bacteria and the other stuff to grow properly or that's what they say. If done starting flowering that'd be 3 less feedings for me. I haven't fact proved anything, and a side by side comparison is already in progress.


i am first time grower using hempys bucket with supernatural nutes.. much much success. harvest in a month. easy peasy. fo reelz.