Recognize sex... please help

Los Ganjales

Active Member
Hey man sorry about your plants, it is hard to accept that it is not everything you wanted, but 2/4 of my plants turned out to be male as best to my knowledge. They say 50% of seeds are female and when you buy feminized seeds some 80% are female.. next time to be sure plant a few more than you wanted to in case you have to toss a plan or two cause it turned out to be male.

Wha wha whaaaat? Feminized seeds are really only 80% female? If that's the case then I've been having really good luck.


Well-Known Member
sorry bro! I bet you never ever make those mistakes again. grow more to increase your odds of getting girls. then clone. never deal with that bullshit again. it wastes your time. never again.....
It is my very first time and it was my very first time just seeing a mj plant (to explain why i had such difficulties on understanding the sex and why i preferred to ask when i got the doubt)...

I wish i could clone but i have no space for that at the moment, so i decided trying from seeds... next time i'll plant the 3 i still have and will be more attentive ^^ is there something i can care of to increase the chances of getting a female plant?


Active Member
Buy feminized seeds from a reccomended Seed bank.

and yes, not ALL feminized seeds turn out to be female, you will get some hermies and some males among your seeds, it just happens.


Well-Known Member
no bro, keep them in smaller containers until they show sex. then discard the males. I bet you could start 9+ plants in small containers until sex is shown. go from there.
All of your answers have helped me a lot last time... instead of opening a new thread i decided to try reuding this since the question is the same... but the plant is younger this time, it is already possibile to recognize the sex of this one?

I have difficulties understandings if it is a male preparing the pollen bags or a female just preparing leaves... thanks everyone!
Sigh... that means 3 out of 5 feminized seeds have been MALES... is that normal !?
1 out of 5 is dead... and ok happens....

i have one plant left, i will post it too to ask if it is another male.... ç_ç


Active Member
where did u get those seeds from? i got five fem short rider beans i hope mine dont turn out like that shit.. but if it wasnt for bad luck id have no luck at all as they say.. but im hopeful.. i have six bagseeds growin now, hope to get at least two or three girlies outta it.. better luck next time dude..sry
where did u get those seeds from? i got five fem short rider beans i hope mine dont turn out like that shit.. but if it wasnt for bad luck id have no luck at all as they say.. but im hopeful.. i have six bagseeds growin now, hope to get at least two or three girlies outta it.. better luck next time dude..sry

They were lowryder#2
5 feminized seed
"the joint doctor's"

the last plant seems female at least, i'll post a pic when i can :( i am quite sad, i'll try non feminized seeds next time, if the difference is that insignificant at least i'll pay half the price :(