You want to grow better buds?

Print this out and tape it on your grow room door.

Years and years of messing around and dialing things in explained in a single, very kick ass chart.

That said.. we do taper our co2 a little later. When you start dropping temps.. when the buds are bulking up, more co2 really doesn't do anything because it's not warm enough for then to actually use it. We defiantly are at 400 the last week or two.

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TRY dwc without a chiller. The penguin chillers fucking rock! I would shoot for 65 degree water. We have had MUCH better results with colder water.

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What size chiller do you have? Seems like you are very happy with it... anything else to add?

I was looking that the 1/2HP from penguin chillers, compared to others it looks like this is the best bang for the buck. I don't really want to buy used, nor do I want to dick around with DIYing something that's likely to fail early and in the end lose crop or something stupid like that just to save a few bucks now.

thanks for your time
What size chiller do you have? Seems like you are very happy with it... anything else to add?

I was looking that the 1/2HP from penguin chillers, compared to others it looks like this is the best bang for the buck. I don't really want to buy used, nor do I want to dick around with DIYing something that's likely to fail early and in the end lose crop or something stupid like that just to save a few bucks now.

thanks for your time

I've never had a chiller even in the summer and ive never had a problem with root rot or anything, my roots always come out nice and healthy, i keep the buckets on the basement concrete floor and that keeps the water pretty cool plus i always fill them up with water around 65 degrees.
So i have 3 recirculating dwc, and 3 standard dwc no scrog, im going to veg another 3 weeks and then flower, hopefully i have that net filled out by then.