Recieved clones in poor health how to fix them?

Maybe he will be happy, but his plants probably won't be. The plants are not expecting double the EC and will not have enough sugars in the roots to process the increased salinity of the water. This will instead pull water out from the roots and cause the plants to expend energy on manufacturing new sugars instead of on new growth.

If one wants to blast their plants with really high EC feeds, then he or she needs to gradually build the plants up for it so they have time to manufacture enough sugars without placing osmotic stress on the plant. We've all seen videos of what happens when someone decides to try and double their max bench press or squat on a particular day.
You wrote a whole bunch of words about stuff that was wrong.

lol I highly recommend trying 2.5-3.0 EC at 5.7-5.8 PH
Plants won’t survive at double potency at 2. Whatever EC that’s dudes problem. If he got clones at 1. Something EC those plants are gonna be weak as fuck. The mother plants the clones came from are getting strong EC otherwise they’d be dying quick at 1. Something EC.

As long as your PH is in range, you’re fine. I start seeds in buckets at home at 3.0 EC and let it ride.

you can listen, or you can not. If you want your clone to do better… it’s up to you man.
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You wrote a whole bunch of words about stuff that was wrong.

lol I highly recommend trying 2.5-3.0 EC at 5.7-5.8 PH

Easy, tiger. I got that scientific info from a botanist and not a brotanist.

I didn't say the plants wouldn't survive high saline water - I said it creates osmotic stress on the plant and it first has to work on that instead of putting it toward growth. I guess you misconstrued my weightlifting analogy - maybe I should have used the stranded at sea and how a person would dehydrate if all they drank was seawater that wasn't first desalinated.

But yes, he should have asked what EC the mother plant was at because if you drop EC too quickly, then you have the reverse problem and the plant has to convert sugars to starches so that the roots don't take in too much water and it should be lowered gradually.

Lol at thinking if he doesn't raise his EC to 2.5 his clones are done. They already look nearly 100% healthy 4 days later at the same EC because the actual problems were addressed and corrected.