recent Narc situation. Is it safe to grow again?


Well-Known Member
You have been granted the RIGHTS to grow marijuana by the State of California. Unless the Feds are coming to your door with a warrant then you are legal. I would put a copy of my med license in a picture frame on the wall next to the front door. If the "state" came a knocking I would tell them thru the locked door to see my "state" issued license (permit) to thier right. If the Feds come knocking......well.......that's a different story.
By the way did you ever get your stuff back from the first fiasco?


Well-Known Member
Well it only happend once. I never got my stuff back. They never returned my calls or ever picked up. I call bruce margolins office, and they told me to not even try.


Well-Known Member
All Im Saying Is You Got Harrased Once If Try To Grow Again They Gonna Be What This Guy Thinks He Above Us Then If You Get Away With You Think They Aint Gonna Find Another Way To Bother You Just Move Some Where Else Different District


Well-Known Member
what about the da who dismissed the case?

Yes this is the same case.. The da Rejected my case, and i never got my stuff back.

well im not going to try to get my stuff back, its been a month already. Prolly all dead and dried. not only that, i dont want to deal with those guys anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, thanks for all the replies.

You guys have to put your self in my position. Your a legal medical marijuana patient (i do need my medicine,without it i have to get synthetic drugs which i dont like, and i cant afford to pay so much for MMJ all thetime), was growing his own medicine. THen got caught, tooken to jail for a day, but got DA rejected (because the courts knew they would lose)

I just wanted more insight. Could they really, for example check the energy bill, see it rises due to a use of a HPS then come in again?

They know i am a medical marijuana patient, and so is my brother.

Also, Is it possible to get a warrent for search on a house, which they busted growing LEGALLY?

Also, if cops do show up to my house, without a warrent, can i tell them to just go away?

Please help friends!

you ask us this as if we are lawyers. you're legal. grow. :weed:


Well-Known Member
You need to stop thinking about what your doing & your mj use as a criminal action,if you have a real need then shove it right in their face.

I cant imagine living in a med mj state,having a doctors note & being accepted into the program & worring about the police.Set up a locked dog kennel in your back yard & grow 10 footers for all to see.

Thats first thing on my agenda if we get the vote passed here in november,im sick the fuk of sneaking around like a cat bugular.


Well-Known Member
man your right guys, as my brother was saying: "this is what they want us to feel like. always scared and paranoid"

I am a legal Medical marijuana patient. It is my right! I can even prove it to them, i got plenty of proof the use of medical marijuana is very helpful for my condition.

thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
some spare time reading ........ ASA*:*Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research

“Characterizing Kha as a ‘criminal defendant,’ [the police] claim the CUA only provides him with a ‘defense’ to certain offenses and does not make his possession of medical marijuana ‘lawful.’ But Kha is clearly not a criminal defendant with respect to the subject marijuana. Since the prosecution dismissed the drug charge he was facing, he is nothing more than an aggrieved citizen who is seeking the return of his property. The terms ‘criminal’ and ‘defendant’ do not aptly apply to him.”
- City of Garden Grove v. Superior Court, Court of Appeal (4th District), November 28, 2007


Well-Known Member
I'll put it to you like this my friend. What do you have to be worried about? It happened once, you spent a day in jail, big deal. The cops are obviously aware that their arrest was pointless, because the case was dropped. They obviously had nothing. I think we are missing some of the story though. How did they get onto you, how did they get in your house. Know your rights, and stand by them. They cant come in unless you let them. NO judge will sign a warrent for a person growing a small personal medical grow. He is a state judge not a federal judge. Also, I SERIOUSLY doubt the feds would come and bust you, even if the pigs in your county begged them to for a small operation, that's not for profit. I agree copy your med script and post it in and around your garden. Your not breaking the law. Be a little more discreet and secretive about your op and keep growing bro. Dont let them violate your rights like that my friend. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
ya im corious myself to see how they got in or knew about you. the opening about your friend having plants doesnt make sense, unless he ratted on you!

Im legal also and ya the fed can bust you everywhere.. but the state cant. everyone w a rec or not is at risk. id start another grow, if they come in again then you go grab a lawyer. read up on one of my buddy owns a despenarie and hes more at risk then we all are. they dont want the little fish... but id like to get a clear explanation as to how they knew about your grow.


Well-Known Member
thats the nice thing about washington. no state database or state fees. wooo woo.

sorry for you cali're on a LIIIIST! Rawr!


Well-Known Member
thats the nice thing about washington. no state database or state fees. wooo woo.

sorry for you cali're on a LIIIIST! Rawr!
yes i am. just went and registered with the state last week. now ANY leo that pulls me over in california has to let me go. sucks to be on that "list". :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
yes i am. just went and registered with the state last week. now ANY leo that pulls me over in california has to let me go. sucks to be on that "list". :mrgreen::peace:
well they dont have to let you go for a traffic violation but they cant fuck with your medicine! :) seems like the DEA loves cali though! but I think more specifically L.A. than other parts!!!


Well-Known Member
DEA is everywhere in cali... but they are waiting for people to fuck up and then they step in. a local spot here was selling it outside to non patients and they got busted. so stupid to mess with that shit, especially when its legit. just keep it that way, you dont through it in their face or try and get caught and you should be fine.

Me and 3 friends got rousted in the la train station for smoking. 2 of us had a rec... very long story short we got all our stuff back and the other 2 were fine also. the cops thouight we were lieing about our dr until i said call hima nd heres proof. whats crazy is the train station is federally owned and we should have gotten at least fined.. but the fag cops werent up on that part of the law.. worked out for us.

ruined our high though... oh well better then getting finned. had to go drink a couple of bloody marys on the train