Recent experiences with attitude seeds ?


Active Member
my reship just arrived after sitting in ohare customs for 18 days i was sure it was a goner i asked them to package it as plainly as possible and other than the wait on customs it worked out great herbies still gets it done the fastest and with the fewest issues at least thats been my experience recently


Active Member
Advice for anyone that got seeds taken from Customs in Chi-town.

Personally if I was a customs guy and I snagged your order once, and another order with seeds came around I would let the second one through and have your address listed and given to the ATF and DEA or whatever other agency that investigates for illegal grow ops.

Not to sound like a debbie downer or cop, but personally I'm a logical and smart person and if I take your seeds and you keep ordering I'm gonna investigate on your ass or send your information into the right hands.
Just trying to think like an asshole.

Use a different address the next time around.

Sucks that it's only Chi-town, as every order I have gotten from Attitude arrives in under a week or at max 10 days. No problems and no delays. (NY Area)


New Member
Re-ship from attitude arrived today without the green tape..that makes it 1-3 with the other re-ship still sitting in chi for 13 days now. Because of the inconvienence im guessing i opened my order to find they had given me double what i originally ordered. +1
to attitude and customer service never gave me any problems as i was polite and not down grading them and cussing them out. so for all the bad post i see as far as them not communicating well or screwing ppl. I would say if you speak with them cordially and respectfully they will make good. As for ordering to same addresse on re-ship i would not rule out the asshole mentality of letting one go through to set someone up by i see it highly unlikely for them to spend thousands in resources to make a bust on 10 seeds. Unless they had reason to believe there is more meat on the bone than
say one or two plants..just my thought. i could be wrong. That being said i am glad attitude came through for me and their method was improved. strawberry sour diesel, afghan kush, p.o.w 33 and critical mass...oh yeahh


Active Member
yeah I got $400 worth of beans sitting in Chicago since November 15thfirst order was snag this is the reset not sure if I will receive it or not playing the waiting game right now


New Member
I ordered from tude in early November.
Ordered arrived in about a week.(Through New York).
100% germination.
Waiting on Xmas promo order at moment.


Well-Known Member
I kinda doubt customs inspectors would remember much of anything let alone the chance of the 1 same inspector happening onto your package and knowing that you had one held back before. Could happen I guess, but not likely. Theres thousands of pieces out there every day.
They probably dont remember shit except for the over the top finds like the occasional horses head in a box or something a little more dramatic than a few beanies.
My experience with attitude seeds is 1for1 I order in Nov.11,2013 my beans are stuck in Chicago I haven't received any letters from customs telling me they got my beans so I'm still hopeful. Then on Dec. 9,2013 I place another order against my better judgment but I went ahead and did it. Well to my surprise. I received my beans which I was totally stoked because they are killer beans girl scout cookies and sour diesel . so my question I guess would be does attitude ever return your request for my guaranteed order will they ever re-ship my first order? Just curious? Would like to order more beans but kinda skeptical. Anyone else feel this way?


New Member
Yum yum now make a journal, I was considering Critical Mass for my next grow.
Never ordered seeds before in my life...did so last month from attitude and my Critical Hog's came in just fine...I even got a free t-shirt! I suppose they forgot to bill me for it in the "stealth shipping"...I did request the tin.
Three out of the five germinated...but I guess that's not the point here.