Rebuilding My10ft x 13ft Flower Room!!

I am also tossed up on how I want to lay out this light set up..

I can either go SF4000 on the left, 600w HPS in the middle and the PL4500 on the right side, this should cover around 4x12 area, which we know my room is 10x13 so this will work out to where I can make a trellis system and still have enough room to move around.

I could also put the 2 LED's side by side and the 600w on the end.. Im still tossed up on how I want to lay this out, maybe more opinions will help me figure that part out.
I'd go 600w hps in middle , the way the light spreads. Then your also getting overlap from both sides from the LEDs.

I skipped from page 1 to 5, did you mylar the room yet?
If not I'd paint it. Less places for mould to hide
I was thinking hps in the middle, just didn't want to mess up the comparison.

I am picking up panda film on Thursday, I am going to cover the walls for now, there is no sense in painting the walls yet, I am going to fully remodel the whole room next year, gut to stud, but this year Im just doing panda on walls to hold me off until we do the remodel.
Trimming just never ends..

2lb Grove Bag ready to convert into rosin, Still got several more of these to fill up..

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These 2lb grove bags actually hold closer to 3lbs, tho sealing it I had to take out a couple handful's to get it to shut.
These 2lb grove bags actually hold closer to 3lbs tho sealing it I had to take out a couple handful's to get it to shut.

I believe that is by design. I think that is so it leaves ample air space so everything can breathe. @Rurumo might be able to answer that question for sure though.
I believe that is by design. I think that is so it leaves ample air space so everything can breathe. @Rurumo might be able to answer that question for sure though.
Yeah Im pretty sure I have too much in the bag. I may pull out 1/2lb so to allow more room, tho it's all getting ran through the press as soon as my buddy gets to feeling better, I don't want to press without him and he's dealing with a round of covid atm.
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Ive almost got another 2lb grove bag completed, shit by the time buddy is feeling better I will have over 6lbs ready to press :)

Tho Im starting to reach my limit on trimming, I can not stand trimming, esp when you have lbs to deal with solo, fun but not fun.
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This is why my flower room has not been completed yet, I got straight freight trained by canna material.

Im slowly getting it down "trimming 14 hour days over here" but still driving me crazy..

After I hit that 10lb mark I will start throwing shit in the trash at that point "getting closer lol".
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I will toss out lbs on this run, I can feel it already.. I am so tired of trimming and I don't need this material, I have more then enough to last until spring when my indoor starts producing.. Im just trimming it now to hit that 10lb mark, after that I do not care if its another 15lb, its going in the trash!
I am officially changing my user name on RIU..

When I first made this RIU account a while ago, I used an old gamertag I use to have..

I have since decided to change my name accordingly, I am a HippieFarmer.

I go by this same user name in other forums, some of you have seen me on a couple other places, thought it was time to just tie them all together.
More news to come on the room development, but I'm pretty excited for what's to come!

Still trimming and trying to bring down the rest of what's hanging in my flower room, hopefully I will have that sorted this week..

Soil and amendments will be getting sorted starting this week "even tho I have a few amendments, I still need more".
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More developments!

I also contacted @VIVOSUN Official and I asked them which one of their lights would be a good fit for this comparison journal, beyond my surprise they too were interested in this comparison and they too will be sponsoring this comparison journal with their VS4300!

Fast shipping, amazing customer service, fantastic experience with these guys!

This comparison room is shaping up to be pretty decent so far!

More to come..
Dude, that is awesome.
This damn account restrictions, I can't like posts right now since I just made this name.. I was tired of Playk328, it did not fit me at all and was just an old sim racing name..

It was time to change it, but now I have all these restrictions on this account that the other account did not have..

I will just have to post a lot more to catch up!
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I am stopping by and getting panda film tomorrow, I still can not hang it yet since I still have about 5lbs hanging in my damn flower room "it never ends"..

I will also pick up Pro Mix, worm castings, bokashi and some Microbial Mass "microbes in a bottle".

I already have the Gaia Green, fish emulsion, extra blood meal, bat guano and other things, but I still need to pick up some kelp meal and possibly some insect frass..

I will be busy as hell all week between picking up supplies and trimming down this rainforest type harvest this year..

Once I can get this damn outdoor trimming settled then everything can go full throttle..

I had buddies to help me trim, but after 1 day and when they seen all that I have to trim, they said "fek bud" so Im not sure how much more snips I can get out of them lol..

Trimming suxs!
On a bright note.. I got the 3rd 2lb grove bag almost filled, on a dull note.. There is still a shit load left to go :(

Lots of rosin to be pressed in the 10 ton press coming up.. I will get pics of all this as well..

How long will it take to press 10+lbs into rosin? Feking too damn long and Im not sure if we will press it all! lol