Reasons why the Iraqs are fiighting back. :(


Well-Known Member
What the iraqui people are doing is not fighting back their fighting against the people trying to help them,they no nothing else.

Since the dawn of ime the people there fight because they know no other way,the politcal thinking over there is rife with ignorance & religous zealotry.

If they had hald a brain in their heads they'd do exactly as the Germans did after ww2 & thats pitch the fuk in to help rebuild their country,instead the savages over there decide to blow shit up,kill people & do everything in their power to slow or stop the rebuilding process.

The state of Texas is larger than the entire country of Iraq for gods sake,its a simple thing to rebuild a country/town that size,all those morons need to do is to help & to take real responsibility for their own short commings,instead they choose other shit.

I say fuk em all,they've proven that their a country of lunitics that refuse to be helped,i say we leave like yesterday & let them enjoy their mud pit of a country.

We have no business even trying to help a country who's chief export is death & destruction.


Well-Known Member
That's why I didn't want the U.S. to go in in the first place. But, it was a far, far easier thing for the administration to sell a war of altruism to the people rather than a war to create a presence where previously there was none. Hussein kept his thumb on a fractious lot, and by removing that well-honed thumb we created a vacuum, opened a hornet's nest, and Islamism is what has filled its hole. They need another Hussein, and they will have him, you mark my words.


Well-Known Member
wells its no secret that we get heavily edited versions from the private owned news media. but i'm not sure what to make of this video. carefully orchestrated rant? or simply the truth from their point of view? its hard to know which is truth when you don't often get to hear the other side. of course there's no logic to Americans being over there. we all know wmd's were a big fat lie from bush. i won't jump to a hasty opinion on their side of the story but will give it thought before forming an opinion.


Well-Known Member
we all know wmd's were a big fat lie from bush.
Actually Bush wasn't entirely convinced that Iraq had WMDs and was "on the fence"...What pushed him over was George Tenet (and let's not forget that Tenet was given the post of Director of Central Intelligence by Clinton) w/ Rumsfeld and Cheney rooting for Tenet.

Bush was just too fucking stoopid to see through the bullshit and then he further exacerbated the problem by not admitting error and pulling out. That responsibility is entirely his. Tenet, Cheney, and Rumsfeld were really the masterminds behind the Iraq invasion. Bush is simply a bumbling fool.


Well-Known Member
One more thing to consider...Bush could not have sent one single troop until Congress passed the Iraq Resolution. Hillary and McCain voted in favor without reading the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate).


Well-Known Member
im just getting sick of all of your anti-american bullshit, why dont you move to canada, or some other country, if you have such a problem?


Well-Known Member
you can post a bunch of stupid videos but i cant?? how dose that work?
You know what. I'm sorry. I just took that as a personal attack.

I could go on and say 'people who don't see that WTC 7 was taken down by controlled demolition are retarded and should go get your head check out.'

I could say 'the people that don't understands why the pentagon has not released any vids of the 'plane' crashing into its building are on par with a donkey that got beat with the idiot stick.'

But I don't say those things because I don't try and attack people personally but rather show them evidence and debate civilly because I'm an adult.

Don't expect anyone to give you any credibility unless you rationalize and debate why you believe the way you do. I'm sure you know that 1/3 of the American population believe that the gov't has something to do with 911 right? So we(1/3 of the USA) must all be tin foil hat wearing people that think our goldfish is burning our ears or w/e that shyt was in your vid.




Well-Known Member
ive seen the videos...

just because you saw something on you tube dosent mean its true... were you in nyc on 911? did you see the "bombs" going off, of did you just see them on youtube?


Well-Known Member
i agree that the govt is corrupt, but nothing you or your 1/3 of the country can do to change it or expose anything...


Well-Known Member
IMO, both you guys should be entitled to say whatever the hell you want. Your speech is protected by the 1st Amendment...IMO of course.


Well-Known Member
im just getting sick of all of your anti-american bullshit, why dont you move to canada, or some other country, if you have such a problem?
Haven't we had this discussion already or are your too dense to remember? I thought we came to the conclusion that you don't like me and I don't like you, so we will leave each other alone. In case you forgot, I also told you that if you don't want read what I write, than don't.

Who are you to say I'm anti-American? If you payed attention you would realize that I'm not your conventional 'main stream media watcher'(sheeple) patriot but rather a 'revolutionary truther' patriot.

I believe in the American people. I do not believe in the current american gov't. You must be [insert nice:mrgreen: word here] to think that people are happy with paying 4 dollars a gallon for gas, 4 dollars for milk, 3 dollars for a loaf of bread, etc etc and think people aren't going to research whats going on.

I have simply been sharing knowledge that I have found on the internet. You should be thanking me for spreading what I feel is important for the american people.

What truth have you brought to the table primeralives? For the record again, IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I POST THAN DON'T READ IT... ITS SIMPLE, AND I'M SURE EVEN YOU UNDERSTAND:mrgreen: Thanks, have a great day.




Well-Known Member
That's why I didn't want the U.S. to go in in the first place. But, it was a far, far easier thing for the administration to sell a war of altruism to the people rather than a war to create a presence where previously there was none. Hussein kept his thumb on a fractious lot, and by removing that well-honed thumb we created a vacuum, opened a hornet's nest, and Islamism is what has filled its hole. They need another Hussein, and they will have him, you mark my words.
We don't agree on some things, but damn if that ain't the truth! We are trying to force a foreign form of government on them that doesn't fit with their ideals and culture. As soon as we pull our meddling fingers out, they'll put in whichever sheikh is strongest/most popular.


Well-Known Member
Haven't we had this discussion already or are your too dense to remember? I thought we came to the conclusion that you don't like me and I don't like you, so we will leave each other alone. In case you forgot, I also told you that if you don't want read what I write, than don't.

Who are you to say I'm anti-American? If you payed attention you would realize that I'm not your conventional 'main stream media watcher'(sheeple) patriot but rather a 'revolutionary truther' patriot.

I believe in the American people. I do not believe in the current american gov't. You must be [insert nice:mrgreen: word here] to think that people are happy with paying 4 dollars a gallon for gas, 4 dollars for milk, 3 dollars for a loaf of bread, etc etc and think people aren't going to research whats going on.

I have simply been sharing knowledge that I have found on the internet. You should be thanking me for spreading what I feel is important for the american people.

What truth have you brought to the table primeralives? For the record again, IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I POST THAN DON'T READ IT... ITS SIMPLE, AND I'M SURE EVEN YOU UNDERSTAND:mrgreen: Thanks, have a great day.


even i can understand??? you can go fuck yourself.