Reasons to get high..


Active Member
My reasons to get high right now are
1. my fiance left me
2. im going back to jail in 2 months (turning myself in long story lol)*
3. ill be without my son for about 6 months to a year depending on what they give me.
4. bored
5. to take my mind off of not getting any pussy for a while lol

* if you really want to know more on me going to jail message me im more than willing to share my story of how i got busted growing pot among other charges


Active Member
Well the upside to everything is I'm pretty damn high right now. Don't care about much anymore and I'm feeling good too.


New Member
Im 29 and started smoking again about a year 1/2 ago. before that I hadnt smoked for about 5 years.....the reason I started toking again is because I gave up the chance of a lifetime....
I had major record labels looking at my band waiting for our demo....finished it up, and they loved it...the same guy that signd kid rock was signing us.....I was basically for sure getting signd to capitol records.. I got free first class air fare from Pa. to L.A. anytime I wanted.....I thought its what I wanted, but until the real deal is in your face, you dont know....I fucked my bandmates over by not boarding the plane from Pittsburgh to L.A. for the final sit down and signing, I havnt talked to them since..... I basically gave it all up to stay here with my woman and 3 its all i think know....what could have depressed as hell from this so smoking gets me by......


Well-Known Member
Im 29 and started smoking again about a year 1/2 ago. before that I hadnt smoked for about 5 years.....the reason I started toking again is because I gave up the chance of a lifetime....
I had major record labels looking at my band waiting for our demo....finished it up, and they loved it...the same guy that signd kid rock was signing us.....I was basically for sure getting signd to capitol records.. I got free first class air fare from Pa. to L.A. anytime I wanted.....I thought its what I wanted, but until the real deal is in your face, you dont know....I fucked my bandmates over by not boarding the plane from Pittsburgh to L.A. for the final sit down and signing, I havnt talked to them since..... I basically gave it all up to stay here with my woman and 3 its all i think know....what could have depressed as hell from this so smoking gets me by......
damn dude... thts some tough shit...


New Member
but he did it to himself...
your absolutely right man....Im not looking for sympathy....I just want to share my story....see ive got a disability that affect my joints and shit...its called CMT....its fucked up....i have it mild so its not noticable....but whats fucked up is it can rapidly pick up and fuck me up pretty good real that shit stopped me to...basically depression and low self esteem ruined a great thing for me....but I still got my its not all that bad...


New Member
what happened to the rest of the band members... if u dont mind me asking
I check myspace every now and then, and Ive learned the bass player quit....but the guitar player seems to still have as of right now..nothing is going on.....I was their golden ticket because of my voice.....makes me feel bad...


Well-Known Member
You gotta do what makes you happy. If that's stayin with your kids then so be it. If your friends couldn't appreciate that then fuck em.

I get high because reality sucks.


Active Member
To quote a wise friend of mine "Life is just blah, blah, blah. You hope for blah. And sometimes you find it. But mostly it is blah. And waiting for blah. And hoping you are right about the blah's you made and then just when you think you have the whole blah damned thing figured out and you are surrounded by the ones you blah death shows up. And blah blah blah."-Andy Botwin


Well-Known Member
I check myspace every now and then, and Ive learned the bass player quit....but the guitar player seems to still have as of right now..nothing is going on.....I was their golden ticket because of my voice.....makes me feel bad...
Wow, that is one hell of a story and a lot to live with. I am sure your voice is still beautiful, why not give it another shot?