Reasons grasscity blows compared to rollitup


bud bootlegger
LOL! You too, racerboy! I really do just need to stay out of the poilitical discussions. Pisses me off to much and I'm really here for the weed talk! Thanks for the warm welcome!
i'm sure you'll find our politics section a much different place than where you came from.. from what i've gathered in my short time there, it appeared to be a large majority of members tended to lean heavily to the right, and on riu, it's quite the opposite, and most members here tend to lean heavily to the left.. not to say there's not quite a few repubs on here, it just seems that they're heavily outnumbered is all..

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
i'm sure you'll find our politics section a much different place than where you came from.. from what i've gathered in my short time there, it appeared to be a large majority of members tended to lean heavily to the right, and on riu, it's quite the opposite, and most members here tend to lean heavily to the left.. not to say there's not quite a few repubs on here, it just seems that they're heavily outnumbered is all..
Thats probably due to the intelligence factor and the social justice that, as we get older tend to lean towards.

Older growers are in general social misfits with a social conscience and a healthy distrust of the ruling class.


Well-Known Member
A shark pool full of mentally challenged sharks...perhaps the most deadly kind of shark
I sent them an email yesterday about the uneven moderation and received a reply. I was told that I was reported numerous times yet I had not once reported any of the people I appeared to be having problems with. I'm not offended by being called names, especially by people for whom I have no respect and my general anti-narc leanings means it's very unlikely I'd "report" anyone. So, what it boils down to is that they have three or four provocative-then-suddenly-sensitive members who are playing hall monitor and running to the principal once they've elicited a response to their nastiness. They have a few nasty little mental midgets running the show over there. Good riddance to bad rubbish!


Well-Known Member
grasscity has a horrible crowd of people who are hypocritical and ignorant they call people trolls for no reason other then they do not agree with your point of view,
if you come off sounding smart or knowledgeable you are a troll and are looked down upon i think some people would even say that this thread would be trollish, but i just wanted to show my love for rollitup and express my anger toward the people at grasscity im done....
Visit the political section here it's absolutely no different. Hell just read the thread titles!


Well-Known Member
You get mad likes for posting basic info... I got a warning for talking about poppies as a plant while in the gardening section


Well-Known Member
Those fuckwits on Trollitup really suck douche guys, like unless your five you cant join. Im so glad i ditched that site and joined you guys on Grasscity, really sweet site you got here :-)