Reasonable Digital Scales for Harvest


Active Member
Anyone know of any good scales in the $20-$30 range? I found some on Amazon, but I'm not really sure... I'm thinking I want one that has calibration, but above all I want accuracy, so I'm thinking the ones that measure up to .01 g will be good, but they have a lower total weight (around 100-200g). Any advice would be appreciated...


Active Member
I bought a scale a while back from this website *click here*

i bought this one. $12

its really small, i can put the cover on it, and you wouldn't know that its a scale. and it easily fits in my pocket. but if i were to do it again, i would probably get a bigger one.

LOL check out this one! it looks like a pack of cigarettes! $24

this one looks like a cell phone $23

damn man, you got me all into it, now i want another scale!


Active Member
ok, after looking i think i've decided on this one. *click me*
its the only one on the website im looking at that has both .01 accuracy and can go all the way to 200g
and it looks pretty slick and pro too. (it has a touch screen!)



Active Member
damn amazon is cheaper too.
i think it was pretty close to $50 after shipping on the other site,
how much was it at amazon after shipping?


Active Member
I recieved my scale today it was this one

Its nice and super sensitive with 0.01 accuracy and a touch screen. its very nice. and can do Oz's and grams.

I'm very happy with my purchase.